Page 6, Thursday, November 10, 1994, The Gazette Classifieds 1988 Dodge Daytona, runs good $2000. DWH 6250, AWH 3106 10 cubic ft chest freezer. $300. Call DWH 6440 or AWH 2725 Ask for Mark 1985 Dodge 600. Available in December. $1000 OBO. DWH 3649 AWH 3689. 1992 Sunbird, 19 ft., 4.3L OMC Cobra 170hp, DepthFinder, AM/ FM cassette. S9,500, might sell truck with boat. AWH 2746. 1980 Mazda 626, 4 dr. Excellent running condition New paint and new timing chain and gears recently installed. $1,000 OBO. DWH 2289, AWH 2125. 1990 white Chevy Cavalier. Less than 28k miles. Excellent condition, one owner, $6,000. Health Max home gym, $200. Alto Sax $400. DWH 6250 or AWH 7479. 1980 3x3 Chevy truck. Runs great, dependable, $500. Mike 2266. 1989 Subaru Justy, $2,500 firm. $1,300 under blue book. Call 2497. 1984 Chevy Cavalier. Gitmo special, runs good. $350 OBO. Call Gary DWH 5191, AWH 3175. 1975 Chevy Malibu, Gitmo special $300. DWH 4106 AWH 7610. 1980 Ford Fiesta, runs great, good condition. Avail. Nov 11, $700 OBO. Call P.O. Ring DWH 72810 AWH 81103 1985 Chevy Celebrity. V-6 2.8L AM/FM Cass. w/eq. Runs great. $850 OBO CallGary DWH 5191 AWH 3175. 1985 Dodge 600. Avail in Dec. $1,000 OBO. DWH 3649 AWH 3689. 1983 Ford LTD, 4-dr, 6 pass., 6 cyl. Good tires, runs good. $1,800 OBO. 1984 BuickLeSabre, 2-dr , 6 pass., 8 cyl. AC/PW, runs great, new belts, new fuel pump. $1,900 OBO. Both for $3,500. Byers DWH72210 AWH3176. 1977 Ford F-l00 Pickup with camper top Runs great and vey dependable!! Excellent for towing, locking up. Dive gear or fishing gear. $1500 OBO. Call Tony DWH 3714 or AWH 4725. 1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass Sierra. V-6, AC. $5,000 firm. AWH2098. 1984 Nissan 300ZX/Turbo, burgundy, loaded, low miles. $6000 OBO. FMI DWH 2300 or AWH 5872. 1981 Datsun S-10. Has new clutch and battery. $800 OBO. AvailableNovember I1I at ferry landing. Must sell. Call Jacqi at 7786 AT. 1983 Mazda GLC Extremely reliable, new tires. Recent tune-up and oil change, $800. Call J.D. AWH 2094. 1986ChevyCelebrity PS/AC 99,000 miles Runs well $1200 BO. Call DWH 4575 or AWH 2038. 1975 ChevyMalibu Gitmo special $300. DWH 4106 or AWN 7610. I976Buick Skylark, 4-drA/T,P/S,AM/FM, good gasmileage. Very dependable. Engine mechanically sound. Body good. $450. Call Maj. Garwell at 5108 or Tac: 563. 1985 Chevy Celebrity V-6, 2.8 L, AM/FM, cassette w/ eq. Runs great. $850 OBO. Call Gary DWH 5191, AWH 3175. 1980Ford Fiesta, runs great.Good Condition. Available Nov. l11h. $700 OBO. Call Petty Officer Ring DWH 72810, AWH 81103. 1980 3X3 Chevy Pickup Runs great. Very dependable. $500. Call Mike 2266. 1991 Maxum 21 ft. sport cuddy cabin. 175 hp mer cruiser. I/O excellent condition! Lots of extras include: VHF and cassette radios, skis, tube, vests, coast guard package, trailer, props and more. Call DWH 72097 or AWH 7563. 12 speed Hybrid $50. DWH 4820 or AWH 2632. Full set of dive gear. $450. Call Mark DWH 6250. Wanted: other compulsive overeaters] Let's meet to help each other with our addictions to food. FMI AWH 4350. Exercise bike ergometer dual action $50 OBO. King-size waterbed withhead board. $50 BO. Whirlpool heavy dutydryer. $100OBO Norge Heavy duty washer $100 OBO. Redwood picnic set, 8 pcs. $50 OBO. 1980 6X6 Truck runs good. $500. Call Mike Collins DWH 4106 or AWH 2266. Large Dacor BC Wish to trade even up for same or medium quality. Call AT DWH 4106/4721 or AWH 7610. 6 Pcs oak bedroom set, good condition $200. Call DWH 4510 or AWH 2171. Wanted: used washer and dryer. Call AWH4754. Nightowl's BBS: Computer Bulletin Board Service. Free subscription Over 4 gigs of shareware files, classified ads, on-line games, message base and local BBS new. On-line 24hr, 7 days aweek. Call 3245. Woman's mountain bike. New condition. $250 Firm Call Bryan DWH 4553 or AWH 3998. Looking for certified Aerobic instructorsto teachAerobic forMVWR FMI Bob at 2560. Travel Tropical Aviation Gitmo Bay Express Flies daily, except Sat., to/from Ft. Lauderdale for as low as S99 Connecting flights avail. to/from Sarasota & St. Pete./Tampa *Thanksgiving flight to Puerto Plata* Flies to/from Montego Bay Thu. Flies to/from Kingston Fri./Sun./Mon. Liberty fare avail. UPS/Federal Express avail. Call 4915 (Fax 4916) At Hours, Mon.-Fri. e 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 4 wood bookshelves, large entertainment center wooden kitchen pantry. Call DWH 6440 or AWH 2725. Trade one medium pet carrier, (27"L X20"W X19"E) For next smaller size carrier ( intermediate size) Call DWH 72210 or AWH 3176. We are looking for some "crafty" people! The Gitmo Christmas bazaar is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, December 3rd from 9 am to 1 p.m., location TBA. Call Ellen Soucy at 7611 for more information. Apple IC computer, $200. Apple printer $300. AT 2268. German Fisher Grand Prix 27" woman'sbicycle. 3 speed w/generator for front and rear lights, $75. AWN 7585. Woman's mountain bike, brand new, $250. Call Bryan DWH 4553 AWH 3998. e C ongratulations U.S. Marines 219 Semper Fidelis ComNavBase N2 Staff : Effective immediately, Defense* * Printing Service customer s service hours are 7-11 a.m. Mon.-. : Fri. for drop off and pick up. p Bench Press! e I ones November 26t It Cable Beach MEs: 1si-SlitS. -i 1T- . tit-UiUMFt ENTRY FE $1 & R TRGtPHIEET0R F T CE I C CLASS! Register at he B e or at Cable Beach e D th ompetit/on. wei MandFIy rs-eeting at 0930 [Please have all Classified ads into the' Public Affairs by close of business every Monday Thank-you r- -- - -- -- ITTAT&T ITT is switching satellites Sat., 7 a.m. There will be Commercial phone service for approx. four hours. Call 2522 FMI - - - -n- -ial SC 'K Ott. 5' 'Ste--u ~ .45 4 I Civilian Awardees Lt. Stan Tennyson, NavCommDet assistant officer in charge, presented (Right) Royston Murray with a 10 year service pin and certificate and (Left) Sidney Stevens with a 40 year pin for their time and dedication during employment by the U.S. Government. CCC . ~- nv-~ ~ 5 7 f F, cc Naval Station Awardees Navy Achievement Medal ComNavBase Sailor of the Quarter ML1 Robert George Smith YN1 Jacqueline R. Johnson PC3 Darrin J. Williams Junior Sailor of the Quarter SK3 Monica L. Lamphere Football At The Windjammer Every Sunday beginning at 1PM Monday at 7PM 50 cent Hot Dogs and other specials available For more information call the Windjamnmer at 2304 BODIES IN MOTION Chapel Hill Fitness Center Aerobics schedule Mon/ Wed 5:30-6:30 pm High/Low impact Jenny D'Alessandro Tues/Thu 5:30-6:30 pm Step Aerobics Patrena Fuller Saturday 10-11 am Step aerobics Instructors are needed Patrena Fuller 4655 WOODY HARRELSON JULIETTE LEWIS ROBERT DOWNEY JR. RK -I Downtown Lyceum Tonight.................................The Next Karate Kid Sat.................Natural Born Killers Sun ......................................Alive Mo.................Mad Dog & Glory Tues................Searching For Bobby Fiser Wed................The Real McCoy Thur.................The Next Karate Kid Leeward Clipper Club Tonight..............A Million To Juan Sat................The Next Karate Kid Sun................The Real McCoy M on......................................Alive Tues................Natural Born Killers Wed.................Searching For Bobby Fisher Thur.................Mad Dog& Glory FTG Auditorium Tonight........................ Natural Born Killers Saturday, ..... ........Mad Dog & Glory Monday.........................The Next Karate Kid AT THE MOVIES Camp Ouick Tonight.............................W olf Sat.......................... .The Paper Su ..........................Rising Sun Mon............,.............Maverick Tues...............................Chasers W ed....................................Blink Thur...........My Girl 2 Marine Lyceuan Tonight.............................Alive Sat................Searching For Bobby Fisher Sun..............Natural Born Killers Mon..............A Million To Juan Tues..............The Next Karate Kid Wed..............Mad Dog & Glory Thur..............The Real McCoy Camp Phillips Tonight................Undercover Blues Sat.............................................Tisnecop Sun..................No Escape Mon..................Milk Money Tues..................The Crow Wed..................Beverly Hill Cops II New movie times are: All outdoor lyceums - 7 p.m. Indoor theatres - 6 p.m. THEREAL McCoy BASINGER VAL KILMER 20 guards. 30 tons of Steel. IEPAPER MICHAEL KEATON G LENN CLOSE TOMEI C~y ~ MkPFR Nhijutsu Self-befense ClSeCS TueslThur 7-8:30 pm Saturday 12-1:30 pm Pay by class or month Jim at 81075 mm U U I Undercover m m ... ..... :Vow. - w I