jbalt by auction. ON MONDAY next the 21st instant, there trill be exposed for sale at Public Vendue, by order of the Executors, all the Effects and Stock in Trade of the late JUin Charrier de deceased, ceased, deceased, at bis late Residence in Geurge-strcet, { CONSISTING of Patent Still* and Worms—Copper and Tin Measures—Tin and Copper Bati.s Parent Cages—Copper Kettles —Ladles P unrps—S kimnvers— Buckets Skvllets assur ed—Moulds of various descrip descriptions—Bed tions—Bed descriptions—Bed Pans—Copper Casada Plates Bath Heater—Copper Bedet Copper Scales and Weights—lron Weights A quantity of Lead—Pewter—Old Copper Steel Yards, and a number of other At tides in the Brauers* line. ALSO, A large variety of Braziers’ and Founders’ TOOLS and Household Furniture. An inventory of the whole may be seen at the Vendae Office. Sale will begin at 11 o’clock precisely. HENRY GRAHAM, July 15th, 1834. Dep.Vend. Master. KoT|CE THE undersigned respectfully give notice j that they have entered into Copartnership from the Ist instant, under the firm of Cftum Cftumshank shank Cftumshank & Burgess. They will thus be enabled to carry on with more advantage to the Public, the several branches of BLACKSMITH and CARPENTERS’ Work, and hope thereby to merit a greater extent of patronage. ALEXANDER CRUIKSHANK. WILLIAM BURGESS. San Fernando, 14th July, 1834. THE Subscriber being about leaving for Europe, begs leave to mfurm his Ftiends and the Public in general, that his business will be conducted by his Attorney Mr John Mackintosh, during his absence, by whom all. orders will bo promptly attended to. D. S. MORRISON. Londou-street, July 14th, 1834. COD-FISH. TH E Subscribers offer for sale the Cargo of the Schooner Eclipse, in Hogsheads and Tierces. NICHOLAS JAMES & HENRY MURPHY. 11th July, 1834 L ’ THE Subscribers CASH for a few Puecheouaof MOLASSES. DENNISTOUN & Co. 10th July, 1834. FB'IHE Subscribershave received tyEweretta, Bl a supply of Barclay PORTERp * winch they offer to their niends on.the usual terms. GRAY, LOSH & Co. Richmond-Street Wharf, July 11, 1834. The Ewerttfa will go to sea, not later than the 25th instant. For light freight or passage apply to Captain Gilmore, or to G. L. & Co. Sale of Condemned Barrack and Hospital Stores. OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, Trinidad, 7th July, 1834. THE Ordnance Storekeeper, acting for the Honorable Surveyor-General, will receive Tenders, in Tiiplieate, at Im Office, until 10 o’clock in the forenoon of Thursday 17th instant, from individuals who may be disposed to offer for the purchase of Uunserviceable Barrack and Hos Hospital pital Hospital BEDDING and DRESSES, consisting of the following quantities, viz.— 1568 tbs. Woollen, and 42641155. Linen and Cotton Articles. The rates offered to be expressed in Sterling Money in words at length, and either for the whole quantity nr portion of not less than 112 lbs. weight. “ Tender for Purchase of Unserviceable Bar Barrack rack Barrack Bedd’ng, Arc.” to be written on the outside cover of the Proposal. Notice is hereby, likewise, given, that a quan quantity tity quantity of Condemned BARRACK Ar HOSPITAL FURNITURE and UTENSILS, broken up and put into lots for the convenience of purchasers, consisting of ’ Iron Work, Pewter, Tin and Wood, will be sold by Auction at 11 o’clock in the fore forenoon noon forenoon of Friday 18th instant, at the Barrack- Master’s Stores at St James. The whole of ale. Purchasers, as well of the Redding as of the oilier Stores, will be required to remove the articles immediate!,, anil to m«ke payment lor the same to the Barrack Master. NOTICE. SI’S PUNCHEONS, nVaeked E, containing I’iscud, Hhvb been Jutided bom the Ship Trinidad, and ternuin unclaimed in the Stores of the Subscribers. The owner thereof will receive them on proving the property and pay paying ing paying expenses. Should they not be claimed pre previous vious previous to the 20ih instant, they will then be sold fur the benefit of ail concerned. GEORGE REID & Co. Fre«lertck-«treet, lith July, 1834 TtIR PORT OF 4PA i N RA Z TR. ON THE 25 TH OF MARCH WAS PUBLISHED, In Octavo, price Six Shillings, WITH MAP OF THE COUNTY OF SELKIRK N? 1, CONTAINING THE COUNTY OF SELKIRK, Complete, and part of THE COUNTY OF FORFAR,) or THE Kcfa) &tatiottral Account ! Os J SCOTL.I.VD, i BY THE MINISTERS OF THE RESPECTIVE PARISHES A Nil CNDtt* THE SUrKSINTBNDANCt OF A Committee of the Society for the Benefit ts the Sons and Daughters of the Clergy. PLAN OF THE WORK. I. The Parochial Divisions will be adopted, as as- ? fording opportunities of fidi and accurate detail, not attainable under any oilier arrangement; and the Parochial Accounts will be drawn up acid contributed for thia Work by the Clergymen of the respective Parishes. 11. The Perishes Grill be' exhibited under their res respective pective respective Counties; and, as far as possible, will be classed according to their proximity io situation, h may be found expedient generally to present in one and the same number portions of separate Counties; but each of these portions will havs a separate and independent senes of pages,—to be afterwards re resumed, sumed, resumed, when, in future Numbers, the remaining por portions tions portions of the same Counties shall be presented,—the intention of this arrangement being, that no delay may take place in waiting for the immediate completion of the Counties,—and that, on the termination of the Work, all the Parishes mffy be bound up together under tbeir respective Counties, according to direc directions tions directions to be given to the binder. IIL The following Divisions, embracing all the topics of enouiry, will be adopted in each Parochial account; ana the same order in these Divisions will be observed uniformly by all. 1. Topography and Natural History of the Pariah. 2. Civil History. 3. Population. 4. Industry. 5. Parochial Economy. The First and Sec wd Divisions will have the benefit of elucidation from County Maps, one of which (pra. pared for this work by Lizars) will be presented in each County there will be appended a tabular sum. mary of whatever particulars belonging to the several parishes are capable of tfeing exhibited io a tabular farm. IV. The Work will be concluded by a Geher&t Summary, descriptive of the whole Statistical condi. tion of Scotland, and comp i 'd from the authentic Wteri&ls of the preceding ’ oleines, to which it will constantly bear referc ace. As this part ot the Work will have pretensions t» tffe greatest interest and im, porta-uce, dud provision will be made that it may be executed in the most able, faithful, and Scientific manner; and that, in connexion with the Parochial details on whiefi it will proceed, it may constitute « document in every point of view deserving of the at attention tention attention of-the country. V. It is expected that the Work will not exceed 10 Volumes, Bvo, and will he published at regular inter intervals vals intervals of three months, in Numbers—each Number containing about 30U pages,—and three Numbers forming one Volume. .... ... . » r— •_ « — —p—■ To the Editor of the Port of Spain Gazette. ” Grant me patience, of all the cants that are “ canted in this canting world, tho’ the cant of hvpo hvpo“ “ hvpo“ crisy may be the worst, the cant of •» Temperance” H is the most provoking.” Mr Editor —Our intellcctnal optics have been ex exceedingly ceedingly exceedingly refreshed, and our appetite for the “ mar marvellous” vellous” marvellous” amply satisfied by the perusal of sundry documents contained in your three fast Gazettes, recommending the inhabitants of tlrese parts to in. crease the ranks of the “ Temperance Societies of America, England,&c. Now, Mr Editor, we are no advocates for excess, nevertheless, we must declare our decided hostility to all such humbug as associa associations tions associations for the prevention of discussing a bowl of punch or a jorum of gin-twist. It -seems to be the aim of this sage society to banish spirits from off the face of the earth ; to extirpate forever, and for aye, all stills, fermenting vats, porter butts, together with the whole apparatus of brewing and distilling! a consummation which we, in the plenitude of our unbelief predict that neither they nor any other earthly power will be ever tibia to accomplish; nor is it meet that it should be so, because, forsooth, a few depraved and worthless indi individuals viduals individuals choose to become drunkards, must a whole community be deprived of what is in reality a sub substantial stantial substantial blessing? Yes, we maintain in spite of all the dogmas of tire Temperance Society, that spirits are in themselves a positive blessing; it is only the abase of them that i* an evil, and we are not yet sufficiently enlightened by tiie Genius of Temperance to be enabled to prove that any superfluity, even of life, should be extirpated, merely because perhaps a I twentieth part of a community, and that generally I the most worthless, is pleased to abuse it. We have not the command of so extensive a stock of credulity as to pay much deference to saeh reports at your correspondent has adduced, in as much as we are well aware, that Iwl hltl- difficully is experienced by partisans in “ getting up" such evidence, in proof of which, need not go further than the ml.arks,!iupp‘»puiami, ; &c , and winch are highly injurious to health, but , which are rendered not only hanneless by applying a ; - wee drap” spirits Lui highly nutritious!!--! f chance ■ Dr Hewn would say c-ld tea or coffee. Suade of the i immortal John Barleycorn 11! Barter the pie istirea I ot the world of spirits fur such lady like puUtious— - they may doubtless be very palatable to the reg**ne- - I rated tastes of such of our brethren as have submilt-.l : : their neck to the matrimonial yoke, and who at even- ; i tide prefer a compound ol smoky water, Ifohea a< d ■ syrup to the stuff that “sparkles on the board; only fancy Mr Editor, what sort ol an affair it would be, providing that upon the invitation of any of car friends to dinner, we should discover that no brandy* no gin, no rum, no porter had their dwelling place there, because, forsooth our friend had become a convert to the Tempe ran-re hereay, and instead M bringing forward his stock of st rang waters as in dity bound he should, forthwith proceed to read as an anathema against swizzle, giu twist, locust ale, aru the whole tribe of liqueurs, not forgetting home mode shrub, of which we would have but slender objections that the Temperance Society should march off wit h the whole hatch to the tune at “ Deittak the kinu kinumost," most," kinumost," instead of the genteel, tall, lady-like champagne glasses, a parcel of vulgar blue booby-ließiied lumber lumberffl" ffl" lumberffl" cotfee cups should present thmr temperance look looking ing looking faces to our astonished view ; what would be the issue Mr Editor ’ why, .that we would call far our andes and dunning our Panamas, ride home, with any of our friends, wife like ourselves, were admirers of every thing spirited, and there drink contusion to our heretic brother of the Temperance Society and *ll hia coadjutors. How can it be expected that the inhabitants of Trinidad will become converts to the visionary theo theories ries theories of this enthusiastic society.—we, whose live livelihood lihood livelihood depends in a great measure upon the sale of , I those very spirits, the consume of which they would ; havs ua joint in condemning ! This would be pretty ; | policy. Truly, they must lake u» for very simple- , tons indeed. We have hoard individuals of this dry . 'fraternity aver that wine is not forbidden by their “ Orders in Council," because it is not spirits. Now, ; if any Temperance Philosopher will lake the trouble of passing a few hours in so unhallowed’a manieir as distilling wine, he will discover that it contains most excellent brandy— so that they drink brandy merely under another name, We have ever preferred call calling ing calling “ a spade a spade,” and shall continue to do ao until the Temperance Society shall be able to demon demon-81rate 81rate demon-81rate to our satisfaction that hypocrisy is a virtue. Otten have we had our ears regaled by the “ thousand i and one” hypotheses of sages of this brotherhood on this utopian subject; often have we heard of the improved conduct of their seamen, —this may be tba case at sea, where they cannot obtain spirit*—but we have sfith onr own eyes seen them again in a state of beastly intoxication a-shore, so that there is Ino voluntalry, no radical change. We well remerutar having our risible faculties highly excited by (he hiccuping palaver of a long-visaged, puritanic couu couu! ! couu! tryman of our own, who, over his port - wine sangaree, “ discoursed must eloquent” nonsense on the evils of excess and the valuable labors of i the Temperance Society ot Ktlmamielt. o£ which ' body he professed himself an unworthy brother; I whilst the tonsian of his capacious jaws, which Dame Nature never seemed to have constructed with reference to temperance of any kind, were much relaxed bv his potations, and his uivsaic nose was j'icbly and beautifully studded with innumerable car carbuncles buncles carbuncles which darkly hinted at fearful secrets of the ! world of spiriu. “Temperance,” Mr Editor, is “ inode roti on." Moderation we advocate as sincerely as any disciple of this Anti-Fe'mentation Society, j and it will require stronger arguments than they have as yet brought forward to convince us that a camni u unily nily unily would do well to give up tho enjoyment even of of a luxury, merely because a few uubi'ciles are foolish ■ enough to abuse the blessings of Providence. We are, Mr Editor, Your very obedient servants. SANGAREE. PINCH, k Co 11th July, 1831. SHIP NEWS. arkivio. Day* otig July 12 Swedish Sch'r. Haus-on, Parnillv. St Hurts 5 Hrignutine Turner, \Tilli. 5, r.»n!niijing Eastern <’o»st. f lions: — 1 H-id TraJesjr.en.— Mason* and CarpesMtsdr'S can lay out and complete their own work; Coo?«l I who can make rum punrk- m' • and inolaineaHdi. . Inferior Tradesmen -p-r»making B heads or other dry cask; 1 Field I.ahorors— Slaves *■ r.i P 3 tt> 50 y«*h it I age doing full work. , 1 Inferior Laborers.— All those betwesktwdl* ■ or over 50 years of nge, and doing iess tbsa W I work. j tlimitL U N ATT ACHED. -I Tire same Rules apply to lhe*e t'.roughsot. | rn.«»IAL. . I Head Tradesmen and Inferior Da —SsM Kw | aa above 1 Head People, employ<-d on wharves and I and other avocations.—According to the diwaSSt I of the Valuer*. | Inferior. — Ditto. j Heml Domestics.—llMler, Hourekoepef. 8| | Cook, Co lehnian, Clear Starcheffl, hwM-■ | where they till tlioae occupations duftifiSt ft®*l E other. f I Inferior Domestics ■ —AH Other DofflVWrt W ■ included m the above Class. 'I he Vainers also fixed the value of the KKn ' I | as follow* ; | Pradial Attached: Vilee W•s**'®l* I Head People .... I Tradesmen .... I Inferior Tradesmen - ■ - Field laborers ... k Inferior Field Liborere - - I Pradiid. VnattUtMz “7Z I Head People ... - Tradesmen - - - - I Inferior Tradosmca • • I Field Liborers - - * *L | Inferior Fi«dd Laborers -- ■ Non-Prwdiftl; I Head Tradesmen ■ - • r | Inferior Tradesmen - - ■ • * J Head People employed on Wharfs, r [J) I - Shipping, or other avocations I 1 Interior People of the same description | Head Domestic Servants • • Inferior Domestics - • • • Children under Six Years of age on . The Valuers are to proceed to , " vH districts on the Ist of August, and are ~n t)B e their Returns to the Couuniss'oners ■ month after As the duties allotted to necessarily be attended with modi w e fatigue, and are for P® W 'p|’ lte rt 14 are sure we need not appeal to the 1 ‘ afford them every accommodation Sll ‘ tW io their power; especially when.we 8 ’ pay allowed these gentlemen, is so no ex pence on their part could have be >e plated by the Commissioners; d> e * r suppose, as confidently as we do, upo' cV j known (hospitality of the Planters,. rtl - pense unnecessary.