J _ THE T '*, ,-> '■ ■■••. -■'' ' ■•■..; ■' , ■■ | «&■<;, g£ _ S IpORT OF SPAIW GAZETT’- J f «=»«■ eta a* <3 Nbff dEab &aj ifci u_-.._H M I*” irjrjKXZr CALENDAR. IK.”:'./tn.Y—XXXI DAYS. EiWW? 1 *"". '""“““ ” Sun HiylAVater Br, t Moon—2oth. 3**' l(,m ~M' ft- S* Pori Spain Ir*' ■ sh 6ht. M. r. m. w 17 11 51 12 24 |a«?u V. «f Moant Carmel 41 16 I 4 1 28 k!»it 1«» Jane Mail due 2 8 2 42 I !: 1 3 0 3 24 337 4 1 Wd; « Margaret , 4 16 4 40 l» [Ellas Prophet 4 s<» 5 14 Ttffi TRINIDAD ROYAL GAZETTE. G 0 VERNAfENT-HO USE, S 12/A July, 1434. I Kis Exeeßanjy the Right Honorable Sir George Fitz- ■ ■.jjt Hill, Baronet,hat be?n pleased to grant four months’ ■ tarerf absence to F. N. West, Esq., Eacribano of the ■ CoOtaf First Inatanre of Civil Jurisdiction, of the Cotn- ■ ihiat Cenrt, and of the Court in the Trial of Criminal ■ mot I"'* 1 "'* an< l to appoint John Joseph Cadiz, Esq., to ■ Lis b'u rowa. By command. PHILIP I). SOUPER, Colonial Secretary. ■ - !<■!■ |, ■» —— .I■, « Bjelort Hi» Encellency the Lieutenant Governor, in tit* Cooil of Intendant. Ift th flKlbr of Hit M«jnty the King v. Tin Defaulters t. Hu Haute and Slave Tux. I ItOVICIL MAYOR’S OFFICE, 2UhJunt 1831. ■ lislitvo hereby gb«n that on Wediteoday the 23 I July ■ mt,Be;ti atrerl. —Mi* Felt, Ben. Patk, Rc.»e Philipe. ■ Fmlrrick-alreet.—Stilt Driggs. ■ Iffity street, —Jusn l)e*co«ir|i, Pierre Lmii* U*,i«r, Ithfbns Vivienne, Joseph Dutiop, John Dotuiuici, jlWu#e Fames, Will,am Huggins, St Hilaue Ruhatd, ■ M.lfrienitn, I Cbtlatte.sti e, t.— Adefti-le Blau Jin, Noire Bcanb' nn, Pedrontlla Snrera, Marie Ttum.« Pau) ■ ilsiaui, Cncirne Grasse, Liao Leers, Matfo. Joseph ■ tbriel Muoitit'baid, Mr P.oiiti, Ju.-ri li Rminuii ■ l«iiS>saor, Clement Aoulage. ■ ®* w *' , ”He»C.—Victoiine Antoine, l,o!>i«r ( Urtilniel, ■ Canipetio, < Jean Joseph ■«W,Marla Rairaf, M«iie Theieae A. J. B uM.D, Felix, Madame Irir'rett, J.iln it Annette, >.* R a |u<>te Juan. Jeuuy Paltrier, Iruttei and Jo*Bph *t Vinc- nt. I m*n •t eet -Chnle, V.evi*. Jack Boissiere, Mi> ■ WBbtsJli, Madame Casimir, Cole Bemaid. MatyAnh Cfi ( ldt"n ot John 11 ail. Lottia I itleur, Eli- Mreer.-Augelie Dupont, Veuve Duval, the of M. Dnpom, Donnniqne Flor. Pablo Gon- Leander Simpson, the Mi- Justph Luce Litlaia. ~ '*,**’* • sundry Article* of Movable Pioperly, #t>got Pin's. Jrwelloi v, and Houaebuld Furniture. Hrsarar Msckwobth. AlyuadlAfayor. of judicial notices. fOURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CIVIL JURISDICTION. Dears a/ the Court tn the uudernintiOntd w a . ° n W **' l *»day the Bih October, feia n k J F ’ T. B Darrandt, <'’k- M Gee. AiCo, v. **[‘ Cl,, ti’> Os P it r ick Naghteri, deceaeed , t«k aaU h^t*** 1 * Mid M argaieI Bidi'lta Nagh '“Felii 1 . 1,8 Fat, i< k N agliten, deCr a*. (I '■"* *"* of de fend a tils to a tract ot bliit an 2Pl3'hol aquatiCe, *»»W hr l * • >l * , rrn, w ilb GUOO cocoa tree* W,. 1 ’ k “ 0 * < ' *” lh, ‘ Htbornia Estate ÜbuiH i,, U f ’‘ l!Ua,,i • ’• Christopher Rigual—Right, '••hhnt* r’** 1 to Ln Deseada Estate, quar. Mttlu ■» " l ?’ ** Je * ai "**. slave*, stork , tuiildiug* and IbCv t ! ' ,UH ‘' a,U(i ‘'‘ l ’"•l'uteit'K ■,"*»** Bn ' l O, * K I *'• J- Dow, exrcutot RKlit'f' ' 't e,l|l ' l ‘d, hi> I John Cui and otheis, h< i>s ”'f”•'tented by their muih-i | ■ title aud ilitiut sl rd kute or,*.'. , dereas. <|, to the Silver Siteatn Stock*' °" , l , «' rt -. with Ibe lauds, buildinz* ' a °” •l'l' l, ’lt‘i> >»Ct » ib< nio attached and r^»K? i rtLi‘"" B ”'’. J E B'anc v. St Marie n lrt ">' !p ' r ’ot Marie Joseph Other, de. * rnl * 1 ' **? Anne linsc Deipies, widow Fi- Sf |'* ' ,n '’’her and teMameriiaiy guar titan— titanof of titanof tteh ndaiiti to th. M.,nl * r title »rjd inleieHt of defdls. lotint ,-' .'"i """* Uop« Esia’t *. the L‘i ,i dl»i.(l 4 . .' a» Caafrj.it, but now callt d Ca Car r” Car i! Eu,i. ?’ <>t d-l.lt*. to the New r ’pp'O'o,, 11 ‘ tiracliiuei y , utetisi'.s. Mid ,m j> ?' r ' * ,0 ’h® "•fd Enisles nsp»cti*ely n- ' "eittngtug , ' V ‘‘'h»"< <.ry 15 h October. Ji *’ " nti !■ v i'" < l Gatbviine Jarvi* to a lot of ‘**f» Pots „f instr tiab thereon, in Eduard i J - on r . m Ofdeiiit tn'.r’'s‘ A u , i> , " t t—Right, title, and L, * tM, rs,ih F | , “* Sui IJr.tiringo F.*tale, quarter of p' n ziu c ’ “• I’nltivation*, buildings, Ac. thereto tot, i)"’ v [ Ghriatopher Tlignel—flight. 6ic. 5 *l’4*« <•» s-h* c '"*. ’ e “’»"®rt>«d at»d O bJu^" ,g ''’ aßd W u, ‘ f0 ‘ oCe> TRINIDAD: TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1834. to J a’7ot L of n hod No P i n V a ' bO p~ Ui3h ’’ &c - ot d *«’ | Strain and *n a - 0 ’ Y p ’‘*‘‘ P " n ' e »''eet. Pon of’ land erected ’“d * nga,ar the Uuildinga ou the said John U.h and Joseph Flament v. Georg. Ven Wail and belonging 8 ’ * ,pp ‘‘ nettßnc ®» ilieieto aitached On Tuesday 28th October. 1" arter l o°f Cha'th ** estates respectively attached aud belonging COMPL AINT COURT. Solee before the Dnort of th. Court. Ou Wednesday the 236 July . lot^hnd 1 P rn/'f ’• Rillh,r4 Bra, ”y-* b °’'» e ■"'* ’t 0 ., *■ Lrnibroke-stre.t, Port of Spain titled dTut nnJ ? 7"' ie Vietoiie Arnauft-Right, title and uteieat of defendant to a faer of land on the thereou meted Napa.ima, with the building. Wn> Macomb v. John Hunter— A sla»e aimed J. bu ueagat> Peuco and Giraud v. Nicholas Morin—Right, title an interest of dr teudant to a house and lot No. 28* Royal-street, St Jnan Robert lhr.be sad Wright Sherlock v. Labella Portia Rose—Right, title, «nd interest of defend-nt to a and lot coiner of Cumberland aud Oafoid streets, Pun of Spain ’ Ramuy. Jamieson A Co v. Pierre Rowean—Right title, and Interest of defendant t, th. Enteiprise i',.’ tate, quarter of Caroni, the lands, .Uses, boiMiug. and appurtenances Thomas Neilsnu v. Elizabeth Hodsen—Right title and iutorrst of del. mh.ai to a huu* e * !t d |„i',l/0,1, r .’ street, Port ot Spain Samuel Samuel v. Louis P. Ca«tor Rig),-, rl | e interest of defendant to 5 quarries ot Ln I «,;i, u te vtl |. livation and buildings, in ti e quarter ot Mai.sjl Simon Asnstini v. Chaihs Roclurd and Madeline Rochard— Right, tide and interest of Clisiles Roi haiJ to a quande of land in the quarter of Lmnliile. H r,d to a halt lot of land No 20, New-*tre» t, Port ot Spam Juan Deacovich v. Juan B. Rivas Riehl, title, aod interest ot defendant to 5 qt>ari£<» of hud m the q.rar. tei of Marscas, commonly known a* the San Antonio Estate, containing 500 CoCoa tree* and a quanthy cf provision* J Driggs and Archhald v. Samoel Digby—Rigirt. tit!*, and in'ercst of defendant to * ho »» ahd lo», corner of the pio.ungat.un of Cambridge aud New-stieets, Poll of Spain Moore & White v. Jan- Naghfen, ezecatriz of Pa. tiick Naghten, deceased title »nd inteiesi of ill* succession of P. Naghten to a certain Estate called Hibernia, io the quartet of Point a Pierre, cuidaining 72 29 3U,hs quartivs of Lod. partly planted in cocoa aud provision* Adolphe Dnbi*»on v. Gaspard Uitnnexa—Right, ti titie tie titie and interest of deft udant to the house and lot No. bl), coiner ot Qu en and ( hitlotte.street! J. Pino v. Louis llugghue—One undivided Sfth part ot the St Anu’a Estate, quarter of Mayaro, containing CO quarries of land Elkin and Simmonds v. Mary Dimming—Right, title and interest of defendant to a bouse and lot iu the town of San Fernando. North Naparima H. Agarrat v. Julien Truxillo—Right, title, and in* terest of defendant to La Trinquilidsd Estate, quarter of Sauta Cruz, the lands, buildings, an.l appmleuances. 'lhoinas Saiibot ». Richard Joell—Right, title, and interest of defendant to a tract of land being pail of the island of G*spa>il, with the buildings tfnreon, the fish fishing ing fishing tackle, boilers, utensils, Ac. forming a whale fitheiy 1 Albeit Libert v. Kenuellr Mathison—Right,title and inteicst ot defendant to ce< taiu Luds with the budding* thereon erected, in ibe Quarter of Chagnar amas, aud foitnerly known as the Cbaguaraurus Estate On Wednesday 10th September Costeau Delisle v. Jacques Rene —Right, title, and interest ot defendant Io the Elixbetb E*l kricagna, consisting ot fi qtisrif-. a aud one-seventh ol laud, 4000 cocoa and 1000 Coffre trees TOBE EXCHANGED. IjiHFG nrvicesoi ..good House Servant, Kl stress, nnd Children’s Maid, who ktioivs someiliing of Washing, being no longer retp.ired by her present owner. She will, with her own consent, bo exchanged for a Field Laborer, or n B<>y. Good Mules will be taken iu payment for her. Apply at this Office. BihJuly, 1834. NO I ICE. THE Subscribers, Testamentary’ Executors of the Succession of the late Jean Cha Chabrier, brier, Chabrier, request all pct sons w ho have claims against the deceased to present their accounts within one month from date, as after which time none will bo notiefd ; aud those indebted to the Suc Succession cession Succession are also requested to make payment without delay—W ; will bn tlityaUhed for the above Port oa or before the 20th July. Fur freight or passage apply to NICHOLAS JAMES it HENRY MURPHY, \v ho will make advances on Produce by said Vessel. King-street, 6th June, 1834. FOR LIVERPOOL, The first class fast-sailing Brig ™ 1 v Q of sco ts, ssi—asa William Kelley, Master, Will he despatched for above Port on or before 251 h July. For freight or passage apply to NICHOLAS JAMES & HENRY MURPHY. King-street, June 23, 1834. ** FOR CLYDE, The Brig ARIEL, «2ssia Capt. Nicol; Will be dispatched on the 25th of July. For Freight or Passage, apply to the Captain, or to DENMSTOUxN & Co. 24th June, 1834. F ° R LIV ERPO 0 c * The Barque LI 1/4 J’.ICKET, M. Clnnfngham, Master; sa *l lsl 'i next month, fur light Freight or Passage, apply to GEORGE BLAND. Marine Square, June -25th, 1831. FOR BRISTOL, The B.irque PILOT, v., j p Moor, Master, will be despatched early in July. For ft eight or • • ■-sage, having good accommodations, apply to Captain Moor, or COCKER TON Ct WASUN. South Quay, 20th May, 1834. NOTICE. A NY MEDICAL GENTLEMAN who 2mA. may be desirous of going io England, will with PASSAGE FREE in the Barque Pilot, for Bristol, to sail about the 10th July. Apply to COCKERTON & WASON. 20lh June, 1834. NEtV COD-FISH. Subscribers have received and offer for q Sale at moderate pi ices, Halifax and New fjundiand FISH, in Hogsheads and Tierces JOHN S. WAINWRIQMT & Co. King-street, 3d July, 1834. A N elegant retreat, about a mile and a quar quarter ter quarter from town, on the Maraval road, and with spacious accomodations for a large family, I* offered te Sell or to Rent.—lt is enclosed iu 20 Acres of excellent I’asturage with abundance es Guinea Grass and all Sv-ts us convenience.— Apply tJ Mis Shine. July, 1834. For Sale at this Office, B L N K S, Os Every Description. ADVERTISEMENT. SAINT JAHIEfTe BARRACKS 7rmidad, Sth July, 1834. CgNIENDf RS fur snpplying’the 19tfi Regiment at Sitint J -nit•*’« Barracks with rds “ lender for C< fiuc, or Sugar, ’* on the envelope. Payment will be made one week in airear, in Army Steilmg, vit. 4s. 4il. Dollar. ~ 'found. A GOLD THIMBLE, on the 2d instant, in Chacon Street. The owner thereof may have it oir application ut this office. June 8, 1834. FOR SAI-E. Cargo of the Di ig Cavalier Jewel, from ia St Andrews, N. 8., C-.NSiISTIKO or White Fine Boards and Flanks, CEDAII 111 NOLES. GRAY, LOSH, & Co. Richmond-street VVhai f, sih July, 1864. 'l'he Subscriber has on Sale the fuUowltig Assortment cf contain: *a The Family Book—Advice to a Young Cln wliau Serie’s Remembrancer Hamilton on Education, 2 v< It Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Pocket Books Dodridgc’s Rise and Progress of Religion Elegantly Bound Prayer Books Flavell’s Saint Indeed—Stories tirom Switzerland Letters of Peruviifh Princess—Condun Hall Jotfrueys of the Mo.hers ami Girls’ Otfn Books—Story Books Lavingt.m’.s Addresses—Baxter’s Saints Rest Abbott’s Ymmg Christian—Pilgrim’s Progress Pastor’s Family—Frugal Housewife Mothers’ Stuiy Bm-k—Youths’ Best Guide \V ai biers— Bloomfield’s Poems—Harp of Zion Leighton on 8t Peter—Rhyming Reminiscences Family Book—Bourne’s Tides—Johnson’s Idler Simpson ou Preservation of Health Crabbe’s Tales of the Hall, 2 vols Hume & Smollett’s History of England, 2 vols Chalmers’ Commercial Discourses Paley’s Sermons—Bishop Lowth’s Directions Manners and CtistotWs of the Jews Hunter’s Modern Cookery—Holy War Pennington and Gregory’s Legacy Present fur the Young British Minstrelsy—Falconer’s Shipwrick Walker’s CLASSICS, comprising Thompson, Common Place Book, Bunyan’s Pilgrim, Ma Mason’s son’s Mason’s Poems, Joseph Andrews Beatlie & Collins’ Works Scripture Illustrations—Goldsmith’s Essays Hotne's Introduction to the Bible Neale's Emblems—Holmes’ Instructive Rambles Blair’s Belle-Lottres —Crabbe’s Tales, 2 vols. Histoiro Nattirelle—Bingley’s Travels Marlin’s Tonga Islands, 2 vols Hoppus’s Practical Timber Measurer Bellenger’s Treatise on the Globes ihitton’s Treatise on Mensuration Anaya’s Essay on Spanish Literature SCHOOL BOOKS. Ravizotte’s Italian Grammar Newman and Barctti’s Spanish and English Dictionary Dy mock’s Improved Ainsworth’s Latin Dic Dictionary tionary Dictionary History of England M. Henry’s Spanish Giammar Petin’s French Spelling Mtn ray’s French Exercises—Peail Dictionary Mothers' Dictionary—Black Lines Walker’s, and other Dictionaries Murray’s English Grammar and Exercises Ditto ditto Abridgement Goldsmith’s Grammar of Geography Reading Easys and Primers—Battledores Mavor, Fennii-g, Guy, Pinnock, Carpenter, end Vyse’s SPELLING BOOKS Waiktngame’s Arithmetic—Copy Slips Pinnock’s Child’s First Book Catechisms of English Grammar, French ditto, Geography, Arithmetic, Music, Uni versal History, England Taylor’s History of France Bilkin’.* Key to Walkingame Ruled Copy Books Lithographic and other PRINTS, Jfc. AN EXTENSIVE ABSOXTHENT OP Plain, Gilt-edged, Embossed, Mourning, and Fancy colored Vizilieg and Messaga CARDS. HI2NRY J. MILLS. Vi bole No. (H 5.