


 Friday, A;ril 18, IMS HOMESTEAD LEADER-BNTERPRISE ___ __ __ __ Section R--Pape O _f'4

I ; W\ olla 's Store Gees "SoperMarket"Fkota i 1 GAMIER SIX PLANKS LISTS IN 1 1 1I 1M. MI

 illS' PLATFORMltepreettltaUW I

 K ABumi"
 auUer; candidate for Ute amtor <.
 ct.: dectre4 In at radio talk
 i: : _*r_ i I Thursday RtgM that the proponed
 Mlamt-Dade coneolldatio
 L Lt
 I'plan "I*'iwt en IMU In. tM esm"paigit"
 v \ Thw pIM'fer not .n l_
 and cannot become an fcaue the
 !-w :candidate Mid, "tttCMMt all the1leglilatlve
 *ort: on It ha been
 y I completed. There to eosins,) Wet)
 :for the leg'slafWlb do TOW a
 I II'
 6 I GauUer added, "Tht vote of the
 l ; ra people of Dade County on May .
 rl I tS will decide the matter for core t't
 M Jr and all. It the plan la defeated we
 I will know' how the people of Dade
 I County feel about the ,question.
 The people' vote will be my
 guide I pledge to abide by thtlr' I II i

 i I, iwlBlon The:: candidate" a nary aviator In r 'wi
 : World War II and a life-long
 y .
 : resident of Dade County, enumer- 1' ;
 N|ated a ali-polnt platform on '
 which he will campagn lie Mid
 \he la pledged to work for: procuring  '
 : for Bade County a elate K
 medical and dental school: a pate :
 5L :
 !, tax commission to equalize tax :
 ateamenta and force tax collection 
 on an equal' bad throughout
 Florida; a stale water control
 program; extension and boarden- 4WwALLZLUMINUMowrsznS f.
 ing of welfare benefit to the
 *r M,.Vw'A aged the blind and the needy BLINDS;
 policy of cash prices and volume buying to permit area. Photo shows compact location of meat de- children; elate financial" aid to '
 cltlea and countlei; and the conitruction wUlrtnatent.lnsldeControl1Wiet1ta .
 competition with chain "super-markets" was anpartment at rear of store instead of at side, with of superhighway.
I nounced last week by Wollam & Kendrick, J locally price banners that inform shoppers of new bargain along ,the entire Eat Cart ofriorlda Siii n ore custom-bvAl,compbufy, 'In OIl;
 owned> grocery on North Krome Ave. In preparaprices now prevailing Below is photo of James I II Mloml''ocfot from (heavy aMt' !
 tion for more efficient merchandising, the stora wollam, head of Wollam & Kendrick, who also is ) goo ohvmfeum
 I Keep ei TryingYou .Ion-lwlit! .." M i'ot
 lInttled prodOcf, .
 ''o prect .
 interior was rearranged to permit greater floor a member of the Homestead city council. DtLIY'E tb _
 _. know, o1d meA flu hall RY'
 ., . ', ..I, i i i I.. I i tii, Tl-i I Inclined to think"Peneven -'* .\qulc", dependable, tocei serv ce. .gun a ,
 Raw Recruit on Sentry Duty:I Raw: Rm-ult-Well beat It1; old ch p-ptreeveref from Our Miami t \ wtrhifoncl '
 HILLS PROMISESFULL I I / Factory tW. .fin.*ttn wt bulls hi,the.froptci to Itk I
 Who roes! there? Friend or toe we re not organized yet.-Our Toull mike It et.Shef *\
 Voice-Foe. Army field Weekly Telegraph k To YOII ripen.f krophel run ond storm I,oJ"lntdI. y.u

 ) PROTECTION Itarr..sgati.eg.rt.VOTE ." I :( utmost In..vatuw'and Mrvk* tor'your South
 FOR 1 No DOM ijrnonl ** Fr rWe> tlem,. f remti or*wtldttf for flrtaVrlgUlty ,

 Life and property protection -7 TERMS end oce", ". fit. knfra real ir-boktd,

 candidate win eraphailzed Ray MID If he old I II sheriff thl FRED W. McCALL Jr. FHA Of 'rtamtf Ankh" Tit*<f for durability and (long-ltf{ ,

 week. Up to 6 Yean to faf ,f1I.,,,.'WMI noui, ,Com driving dorm' oyt1isterhrp
 "1 bars been a peace! officer In For Superintendent wed", yOV.pet mon with WtotfunmotMr, ; ..J t
 Dade County tor 3] year*' and I
 know the need of the people". he '"
 MM "A* your iherlff I would of Public Instruction
 .ee thai the people In the outlying For Free Estimate Phone Homestead 385
 district are no longer neglected "' I Make ef fttwtlto-Unlvenltf ef tflamLRarhrler
 "On meamure I would adopt o et Arto tTatvmltr\ of florlda.It .
 la to prepare for any dlaaater that e mn In the Dade County acheol aritenxArloal
 might occur. Flood and hurricane C experience. \ with all phases of the EdwtlonalPretrtm Redland MillworkHomestead
 are always expected but
 never prepared for by those that e Holder,ef easy Local" Stets. and Nttlonaf rrfrlenalttffltwt i

 have listed that mpondbUity", Mill a Reildentot Dale County U years ( Florida t
 .. 'Shdtera properly pre ,
 -'- ---- pared and properly meted would I A COMPLETE EDtCATION PEOCSAM FOR DADE COUNTY M.; E. Totter, Owner Cor. S. W. *ml St. wd 4th. Ave'ry
II JAMES WOU-AM I be tberltf.a prime consideration\ If I were fr,,,, ..nllt...' ae..nw".n

 ___ __ __ _-A, ___.__ ___ __,___ __ ___ ___
 mmm . . . . .11I .1. '. r

 PROGRESSIVEFULLER . . . . . . . .

 Q. E
 ti ,'i
 ;:" X \ !.
 ,: :., {. I ,I
 A' 'fN P
 'g. ,\
 ,,, :' r ,
 L.tE' .. E ,, I 'I

 e 4n R
 I r t.t

 F" ,<' , .. I I

 1-,: Ek EkD N E I IE !


 The Princeton Plant of' 1
 E vs

 I ,

 I: WARREN_ Glade & Grove Supply Co. '.

 Will Speak in Legion Park, luKsttad, 8 r. It,, Safi Aprill1,' "Everything for Farm and Grove" t ', '

 Come and Hear Fuller \Warren, Your Next GovernorFREE ..".,, ;,J .

 Music! Fimow Cowboy Band Will Itlf,,lot: P. M. FREE ". y
 ..... yndd. ...,.---1 ; Now Has a Complete Lin*.. of: '

 ---::: =- d:=- =z = -== -

 Re-elect :-t' 'PURINA '




 JUDGE Poultry Sqpplitft. .'.. ; .

 Eleventh Judicial Circuit (Group One) , .,.....jjii... ...\ . :., '

 Judge' Civil Court of Record, Dade County This is in addition to the usual stock carried hi* the 118111e&le.HJr c i i ie if *

 from May 19, 1937 to December 21, 1939 : J :
 \ .. ,1 t l
 ,. Appointed to the office of Circuit Judge "' : 'r
 December 21, 1939. /;: :: I': ,(' -li

 0 Reelected by the citizens of Dade and Monroe Two Stores.. ,to Serve low }

 Counties to a full term in 1940. He is the

 only) sitting<Dade Circuit judge who has been Princeton-Phones 198 and 175 Homestead! -Phone 206 Ii '

 elected by the people. / ,'Ii
 Has served as 'associate Justice of the ,

 Supreme Court of Florida, his latest assignment  :'II .' .'i.f.1..tIiTiI :. .f.i.ii j.T.il 'w; ''.. '\. '.1 ..,,

 {ny y.u t xaww.+.w J'retentu'p embera 1947 . .
 II-A--I.-.i-l1. .! ! !.1..J. .J. .. lL : t

, "