the planks and uprights, and we'll have the shed up
in a few hours.”

The shed, I must tell the reader, was to be a very
simple one indeed, but very necessary nevertheless,

Six holes were first dug in the ground about ten
feet apart each way, just like the asterisks I place in
the figure here. Good deep holes they were too, and
Carleton, and even Douglas, young giant though he
was, were both perspiring before that job was over.

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Fic. 1.

Into each hole was placed an upright round fir-tree
post, with the bark on, and all at exactly the same
length above and below ground. Indeed Fin’s tape-
line, or three-foot rule, was not out of his hands for a
single minute all that forenoon.

He had a light ladder too, and also a spirit-level.
After he had got all the posts in the ground, and every-
thing plumb and square, strong deal planks were laid
on top to join them. These are represented in fig. 1
by the dotted lines.

Big nails and strong hammers were wanted for this
work, and by the time it was finished, luncheon was
all ready.