LAYING THE KEEL OF THE CARAVAN 43 She dropped the lizard, and it fell into Carleton’s outspread table-napkin. Kammy next moment was stalking itinerant flies round the sugar-basin as coolly as if he had not just escaped from the very jaws of death. ~The next thing Polly did was to wrench off a prism of glass from the chandelier, and drop it on the table. It just missed the milk-jug. She laughed derisively again, and shouted: “ Everybody’s a wretch ! a wretch, a wretch, a wr-r-retch!†serious, so she had to be hunted round the room, This was getting and finally took refuge in her cage, and proceeded to regale herself on seeds as coolly as if nothing had happened, That was Polly’s way. After breakfast all hands, with the exception of Mrs. Radcliffe, betook themselves to the little meadow. Findlayson said, “ Now then!†Ben laughed. “Look here, boys,†he said, “ when- ever Fin says ‘Now then!’ you may look out, for he means business,†Findlayson’s man seemed to know this, for he at once took off his jacket. “It’s a lovely morning, Ben,†said Fin ; “ but weather like this isn’t going to continue, so the first thing to be done is to erect our shed.†“That’s so,†said Ben. “And here we are all right and ready to help you.†“Well, you youngsters go with George, and get out