74 THE HOLIDAY PRIZE. “As to that,†said Gladys calmly, ‘we couldn’t think of tossing up. Since this is a Boy Day, you had better keep together. Oh, yes! I’ve arranged it all, Florian. We play ‘girls versus boys,’ ae Mildred will stand out and be umpire.†Maurice’s cheeks extended in a broad chuckle. “Hooray!†he shouted, ‘“ ‘girls versus boys’—oh, certainly!†“No broomsticks, I suppose, Gladys?†suggested Tristan; but, of course, the girls gave no heed to the insult. Cyril came on the spot in time to declare himself umpire for the boys, and to cast a withering look at his coadjutor, who promptly turned her back on him and began to examine her note-book. Then the whole company started for the cricket-field. It was a charming meadow, fenced about with a high hedge, at sufficient distance from the wicket to make the runs for a ball placed out of bounds count as six. The pitch was a capital one; and though the girls had been practising regularly since May, they had done no real damage.