Henry Foust Atwater was born in Burlington, North Carolina on August 13, 1937. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anderson Atwater. In June of .955, he was graduated from Walter H. William High School in Burlington. He received the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering with Honors in May 1959, and Master of Science with major in Applied Mathematics in May 1961, from North Carolina State University, holding an Applied Mathematics Teaching Assistantship from September 1959 to May 1961. From June 1961 through August 1964 he was employed by the Atomic Energy Division of the Babcock and Wilcox Company. From September 1964 until the present time he has pursued work toward the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. During this time he has held a departmental research assistantship, and a Traineeship and Special Fellowships in Nuclear Science and Engineering from the Atomic Energy Commission.

        He is married to the former Elna Vann Thacker and they have two children. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Pi Mu Epsilon, Phi Kappa Phi, and the American Nuclear Society.

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