- 197 - The HPLAZ program is written in FORTRAN IV for the IBM 360/50. TABLE 3 DATA USED IN HYDROGEN PLASMA COMPOSITION CALCULATIONS . E 1,2! 4.478 eV 13.59765 eV 0.75416 eV 1,5,4 eV 0.4599X10-4o g.m-cm2 0.9394X10-41 gm-cm2 0.2688 eV 0.1.404 eV 2.79 eV 2297 cm-1 62 cm-1 IH 2 IH+ 2 E(o) v E(0) v H) Do (H+) w e wx e e (Dissociation energy of H 2) (Ionization energy of H) (Ionization energy of H-) (Ionization energy of H2) (Ground state moment of inertia of H2) (Ground state moment of inertia of H+) (Ground state vibrational energy of H2) (Ground state vibrational energy of H+) (Dissociation energy of H+) (first coefficient of vibrational energy expansion--see equation (5.25)) (second coefficient of vibrational energy expans'on--see equation (5.25))