APPENDIX B HPLAZ PROGRAM The HPLAZ program calculates the composition of a hydrogen plasma as a function of plasma pressure and temperature. The plasma is assumed to be in local thermodynamic equilibrium. All hydrogen reactions are treated in a consistent analytical manner. An integral approximation is used in calculating the atomic hydrogen partition function and a Morse potential is used in calculating molecular vibrational partition functions. Corrections for the lowering of ionization potentials are included. + - H+anelcrnae The plasma species H2, H, H +, H H H and electrons are computed in terms of particle density, partial pressure, and per cent of total particles. The input data consist of one card per case containing the pressure and temperature in 2E12.6 format as follows: Columns 1-12 P (atmospheres) Columns 13-24 T (OK) Multiple cases can be run consecutively by stacking one data card per case. The hydrogen plasma composition for pressures from 100 atm to 500 atm and temperatures to 100,000°K are shown in Figures 35 through 39 of this appendix. - 191 -