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Hydrogen Reaction Equations

        1. Molecular dissociation H2   H + H.--The

equilibrium relation between molecular and atomic hydrogen involved in molecular dissociation at absolute temperature T is (39)

     NH N      2H2 mm3k T 3   UH UH   EH 2/kT
        H  - H 1 ___     T3/2   ~   e    2(5.1)
        NH2     mH h2          UH2


          mH = atomic weight of H

          mH = atomic weight of H2
          uH = partition function of H UH2 = partition function of H2

        E'   = dissociation energy of H2

          k = Boltzmann's constant

          h = Planck's constant

The partition function of atomic hydrogen is

               uH =  g. j Xj/kT                   (5.2)


        gj = statistical weight of j-th term Xj = excitation energy of j-th term