where BG is a universal constant. The constant G was taken as 4.5 for unstable conditions and 7.0 for stable conditions (Lumley and Panofsky, 1964). For IZ/LI > 0.1, Equation (4.37) is not valid, but a power law equation (Csanady, 1973) can be used: -- u (zl u 1 (4.47) where zl is an arbitrary height. The exponent a depends upon the roughness length zo, the reference height zl and the stability. Since the log-linear profile given by Eq. (4.46) can be assumed to hold up to the height IZ/LG I the reference height z1 = (4.48) was chosen as this value. Therefore,the reference velocity is LG LG u G+ z u = L* In( 10 z) +S G 1(4.49) Sz L o G = (zo LG) (4.50) The gradient similarity length LG describes the stability while zo describes the physical characteristics. The only dimensionless param- eters that can be formed from these parameters is Zo/LG. Therefore 1