Du 1 8P
 Dtu p Px (2.4)
 Dt p ax

 Dv 1 8P
 Dv al (2.5)
 Dt p ay

 Dw 1 p
 Dt p + g T (2.6)
 Dt p z TR

 Bu av aw
 S+ a + 0 (2.7)
 ax ay az

where u, v and w are the velocities in the x, y and z directions

respectively, p is the density of air, P and T are the pressure and

temperature deviations respectively from the neutral conditions, g is

the acceleration due to gravity, and TR is the reference temperature.

 The basic hypothesis is that the above equations along with

the assumption of the constancy of the heat and momentum fluxes

describe the statistical characteristics of the turbulence in the

ground layer completely. The characteristic parameters for the layer

are then: g/TR, u* and q/C p where u, is the friction velocity. The

only length and temperature scales that can be formed by a combination

of these parameters are:

 L = (2.8)

 T C P

 T = (2.9)
 Ku, Cp