188 SIMPLE STORIES knocking at the door of her mother’s house. On opening the door some friends came in and said: ‘The King is dead! Long live the Queen!’ It was quite true, for the girl was now to be Queen of England. When they told her the news she asked God to help her to do her duty by her people. She felt that she was not well fitted for such a proud position, but she made up her mind that, as far as it lay in her power, she would do her duty. And nobly she has done so for more than fifty years. She has had many children, and to them she has been as good a mother as she has been a good queen to her people. England is a better country to live in for all classes of people than it was when Queen. Victoria began her reign. Many wonderful things have been found out. The country has been covered from end to end with railways, so that things can be quickly and cheaply moved from one part of the country to another. By this means fruit and food of all kinds ean be taken to the large towns, and men who have things to sell can send their goods to any place where there is a market for them. Large steamships have been built, which carry people and goods to all parts of the world. They can travel so fast that a man can go all round the world in about three months. Many things that we cannot grow are brought from lands far over the sea.