pocket and acovered basket in his hand. All through
the town, the lawyer was bowing right and left, and
continually being button-holed by gentlemen on matters
of burgh or private business; and I could see he was one
greatly looked up to in the county. At last we were
clear of the houses, and began to go along the side of the
haven and towards the Hawes Inn and the ferry pier, the
scene of my misfortune. I could not look upon the
place without emotion, recalling how many that had
been there with me were now no more: Ran-
some taken, I could hope, from the evil to come; Shuan
passed where | dared not follow him; and the poor
souls thathad gone down with the brig in her last plunge.
All these, and the brig herself, [had outlived; and come
through these hardships and fearful perils without scathe.
My only thought should have been of gratitude; and yet
I could not behold the place without sorrow for others
and a chill of recollected fear.

I was so thinking when, upon a sudden, Mr. Rankeil-
lor cried out, clapped his hand to his pockets, and began
to laugh.

‘‘Why,” hecries, ‘‘if this be not a farcical adventure!
After all that I said, I have forgot my glasses!”

At that, of course, I understood the purpose of his
anecdote, and knew that if he had left his spectacles at
home, it had been done on purpose, so that he might
have the benefit of Alan’s help without the awkward-
ness of recognising him. And indeed it was well
thought upon; for now (suppose things to go the very
worst) how could Rankeillor swear to my friend’s
identity, or how be made to bear damaging evidence

against myself? For all that, he had been a long