Strange Adventures. LO3.

This time the princes accepted his offer without.
hesitation and, throwing themselves on the heap
of straw in a corner of the shed, were asleep in
less than five minutes.

When morning came Guthrum opened his eyes,.
wondering at first where he could be, but soon
he remembered what had happened and looked
round for his brothers.

They had gone!

What had become of them ?

He determined to get up and make a search, and
as he moved, his bell, which he had forgotten,
began to ring. He was surprised to find that.
instead of being in his pocket it was now round
his neck. He tried to feel how it was fastened.
there, when to bis horror he discovered that his
hands were changed to horny hoofs. He jumped
up in the greatest alarm but could not stand
upright and must needs walk on all fours.

He now noticed two horses lying on the ground
and round each of their necks was fastened a silver

Suddenly the truth flashed into his mind..

These animals were his brothers, and he too
was nothing more nor less than a horse, trans-
formed into this shape by eating enchanted food.

The poor things could only neigh and rub their
noses together to express their sorrow and dismay .