the lying down she had thought- it ‘had a
meaning for her maybe if she had time to
think about it, but with the daily toil for the —
daily bread she used to get it out of her head
again, and the days went on just as they always

“TI guess there isn’t one as wouldn’t feel. the
better for.minding it,” she thought, “and the
bairns is before me; they’ve had time to study
it, and get at the meaning of the words, but all
I’ve been‘able to do since Martin died is to toil
and moil—to: keep: myself and them, to take
things as they come and leave the rest. Ay,”
she reflected, “I’ve struggled hard, year in and
year out; I’ve not neglected my children, they
are well cared for and happy, but I owe a deal
to the Lord, who has prospered me more than
I deserve. Maybe they’ll grow tired of minding
it one day,” she went on, still turning the rule ~
over in her mind, and the thought made her
form the resolution to do her best to encourage
their efforts, and by her willingness and sympathy
to second them. “It’s surprising how soon one
slips out of good habits.” She had fallen-into °
the habit of staying away from a place of worship