him, and he noticed for the first time her tired
eyes and red lids,

“What ails you, Kit, that you look so forlorn ?
Have folks been vexing you? You’ve told me
nothing yet about the prize, and I want to hear
the result.” He caught hold of her dress, but
with a little wriggle she freed herself, and as the
colour flew up in her face she ran into’ the back
kitchen and shut the door between them.

“What’s up with Kitty ?”

Jem looked across at Mrs. Turner, who was
just entering the room, for some explanation, and
in a few words she made it all clear to him.

“Get your supper, Jem, and let her alone; she
feels very badly about it yet, maybe she’ll feel
better by-and-by.”

Jem drew up achair to the table and sat down.
He had no intention of plaguing Kitty—he felt
she had done a very plucky thing. He knew
how much she had been bent on getting the
prize—all that the hope had been to her—and it
did seem hard that it should not be; she had been
so bright, so happy in the expectation, it was a
cruel disappointment, and he wondered how he
would have borne it had he received such a blow.