isn’t little Kitty Turner! What has happened,
mother isn’t ill, is she, or Jem?”

Kitty shook her head, and in a few words told
her errand. Her fresh simplicity pleased the
doctor, he patted her head, and bending towards
her said, gravely, “And so you have come all this
way to tell me.”

“Yes, please, sir,” and there was a tremulous
eagerness in her voice. “The old man is in a
very bad way, please can you come now?”

“T will drive round at once,” he said, “and you
shall ride back with me. We must get you home
as quickly as you can; you have courage, you poor
little child, to come so far in all this terrible cold.”

“I aint a bit tired now,” and Kitty hugged
herself in her cloak, and leaned back in a cosy
corner of the brougham where she sat still and
silent as a mouse, for she had been told that
doctors always like to be quiet and not talk while
they are going their rounds, and Dr. Sennal had
closed ‘his eyes and seemed to be thinking: very

He jumped out quickly at the door of the
cottage, and Kitty was left to her meditations.
She gazed wistfully out of the window, everything