do that to the other. Selfishness, she said, will
often tempt us to look only at our own things, but
Christ tells us in “the golden rule” to remember
others as well as ourselves, and if they would,
each one, try to do this, because God was so good
to them, it would make them very happy, and
they would show that their hearts were His by
keeping His command, life would be different to
them all if they would gmake use of the golden
rule—Do as ye would be done by. Then she
pointed out to them how every one we come
across in any way is our neighbour, and how .
life is made up of little things; it was not the
big acts which look brilliant in the sight of men
that God asks us for in the golden rule, but
the gentle word, the small favour, the look of
love, all little acts of kindness, and if done to
each other for their Lord’s sake would win their

After the lesson they all stood up and sang the
hymn, “ We are but little children weak,” which
they had learned to say in the afternoon; it was
a favourite hymn of Kitty’s, and she thought the
words in- the last verse seemed to suit what
teacher had been telling them so nicely: