50 Make-Believe She did not for a moment observe sche sudden change which had come over her companion. But presently she was aware of the silence which had fallen upon him and turned to look. A beautiful lady was coming along the road, with the sunlight in her hair, and in her hands a great bunch of daisies dancing and swaying upon long stems. The Visitor was watching her. When she had drawn quite near he raised his hat and murmured some few words of saluta- tion, but in such‘a manner that Doris had to suppose (though very much against her will) that the beautiful ee was not so nice as she appeared. But the lady did not pass on. On the contrary, she came closer and spoke, her face all rosy. “Isn't the morning lovely? And won't you introduce me?†The man paused for a moment, and — Doris saw that he was a little embar- rassed. Then, ‘ Doris,†he said, “this is Elsie. I should like you two to be friends,â€