Behead, I’m certain to be in _

When all are out in search of game,
And by a last decapitation

I put an end to convérsation.



FULL many a year on Time’s swift wings has flown.
To the past’s gloomy shades since those chivalrous days
When on Greece the bright sun of prosperity shone,
And my whole to mankind sung his world-renowned lays ;
But the glories, the triumphs, and grandeur sublime
Of that once mighty nation hath faded away,
Till the last knell is toll’d of expiring time :
My whole is a name that will never decay.
Behead and transpose—what a change is unfurled ; .
Mark the eagle of war, how she soars o’er the plain !
And her pinions are spread over half of the world !
And she dapples her wings in the blood of the slain ;
She dashed o’er the plain, and she swept o’er the flood,
And her fierce warlike brood never crouched to defeat,
Till each land and each sea was empurpled with blood,
And the world lay in chains at the conqueror’s feet.
- But alas ! she was crushed in the midst of her power :
Adversity came like the winter’s cold day.
Like the rainbow’s bright hues, in a midsummer shower,
Her.pomp and -her. splendour have gone to decay.
Drop a letter, transpose, by the stern sons of toil
Far down in the earth’s dusky regions I’m found;
Transpose, and I’spring o’er our own native soil, |
Through its.wilds and its ravines I gracefully bound.

SWEET is the music of my whole upon a Sabbath morn,
When dew-drops glisten on the rose, and gem the rising corn.
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