DECAPITATIONS. LIII. COMPLETE, I signify a body of air with unlimited length, breadth, and depth ; beheaded, I am a step; and again, I am the highest and. lowest of cards; again, and I am a French demonstrative pronoun; once more, and I am a simple vowel, : Answer—Space—pace—ace—ce—e, Liv. WHOLE, I am a brittle mineral substance ; behead me, I am a girl; again, I am an animal; once more, and behold two consonants, : Answer—Glass—lass —ass—ss. Lv. COMPLETE, I am hard; beheaded, I am soft; beheaded again and transposed, I am a well known metal. Answer—Flint—lint—tin. LVI. CoMPLETE, I am a frown; beheaded, I am part of a dress worn by a certain sect ; curtail me, and I am a very useful animal. Answer—Scowl—cowl—cow. LVII. COMPLETE, I am very useful to those persons who have become me when bareheaded. Answer—Gold—old. -LVIII. COMPLETE, I am a host; beheaded, I am what we all feel pleased to be at one part of the year; curtail me, and I ama dire calamity. Auswer—Swarm—warm—war. 14 % ss