11. A town of France.

12. A town of Italy.

13. A town of Bavaria.

14. A town of South Holland.

The initials of the above give the name of a celebrated
Humourist ; and that of the finals of a still more distinguished

Answer—Douglas Jerrold, and Sir Walter Scott, thus —

1. DamascuS; 2. Obl; 3. UlleswateR; 4. GustroW; 5.
LorcA ; 6. AmoL; 7. SiouT ; 8. JennE;. 9. EgeR ; 10. Ran-
derS ; 11. RuffeC ; 12. OtrantO ; 13. LandshuT ; 14. DelfT.


1. A KING, whose army in one night
God’s wrath laid low.

2. A judge, who e’er would to the right
His aid bestow.

3. A heresy, whose power of old,
Through Europe spread.

4. A summer drink, by chemists sold,
To cool the head.

5. A tree, whose pith is much. esteemed
As children’s food. ;

6. A hymn, to those th’ Athenians deemed
In battle good.

7. She, who doth grace an emperor’s throne,
In queenly state.

8. A Roman, well in story known,
Of early date.

’ g. The garden, where our parents dwelt
Ere pain was known ;
And the foul serpent’s trail was felt,

Ere sin was sown.

Read this aright, I pray, and you will find

Two faithful painters of the human mind.