“ENIGMAS. XXXII. WEALTH and power immense I give, No feeling have, and yet I live. Before mankind the earth had trod, I held possession of the sod. Now in the tomb of ages sought, Again to earth’s fair surface brought A proof of the Eternal’s plan. I have so much to do with man, Enliven all his chequer’d lot, I cheer the palace and the cot. - And raise for mortals every hour A spirit of tremendous power. Though short my life, yet I supply, A thousand blessings e’er I die. And in the scriptures you may see A prophet once referred to me. A nswer—A Coal. XXXIV. Two brothers are we, with five children a piece, A number which rarely is known to increase ; We are large, hard, and black, we are soft, white, and small, But without us, mankind could do nothing at all. i We laboured with Adam in tilling the ground, Yet in the queen’s court we may always be found. Without us, no vessel the ocean could roam, Yet though we go forth, you will find us at home, Although for our colour and size you may flout us. You never would hire a maid servant without us. Although by the chemists we’re used every day, Yet we aided Brinvilliers her victims to slay. If you can’t find us out, why. to cut short our story, When you sit down to dinner you have us before ye. - Answer—The Hands. 28