ELNIGMAS. XXXII. AT Christmas time, not long ago, There was a goodly fall of snow ; But, mark me, were it not for me, That snow had ne’er been seen by thee. (1) Oh, see far out on yonder bay That little ship, o’erwhelm’d with ‘spray, Now sinking low, now rising high, ' She sends me far into the sky. (2) A troop went out to march one day, (I think ’twas in the month of May), And by the trampling of their feet, They scattered me about the street. (3) . I’m seen in many shapes, ’tis true ; I’m red, I’m white, I’m black, ’m blue; (4) I’m large, I’m small, I’m short, I’m long ; And yet by wind I’m blown along. At sea, I’m dreaded by the “tar,†And by the soldier in the war, Because they cannot see to fight, For I (5) sometimes obscure the light. _ Answer—A cloud.—1. Snow cloud. 2. Cloud of spray. 3. Cloud of dust. 4. Cloud. 5. Cloud of smoke. XXXII. WHEN taken united, we certainly name The principal part of a wonderful frame ; When taken divided, you'll certainly find Five brothers in us of a wonderous kind, We show an example to every man, For we help one another as far as we can. We are deaf, we can hear—we are blind, we can see— We are dumb, we can speak—what a strange lot we are! Answer—The Senses (Hearing, Seeing, etc.) 27