‘. JUST TO SHOW. — 173 ball, and was having fine fun with it, rolling over and over. Bert sat down on the grass and laughed. “So much for cricket with a girl!†he said. “Ill get my kite, and wait for cricket till Fred and Charlie come to play with me.†oo Just TO How. ale my letter written well enough, | do you think?†asked Myra. “Grannie was so kind as to send #c'me that lovely desk, and I have tried to write my very best, just to show how very pleased I am.’’ oa Auntie read the letter carefully, = and approved it. Quite worthy of the new desk, she declared it to be, ~ and Myra ran away happily to the post. Myra was quite right. She had taken the very best way possible of showing Grannie how pleased she was with her kind present.