140 THE: FLOWERS’ MESSAGE: - Hoe and Gertie had - helped Aunt Kate gather and wm pack her weekly hamper ‘of sweet blossoms for the hs ‘“S. flower mission. Aunt Kate voor iar" sent it off in good time, i the children sat in the shady arbour, and wondered where their flowers would go. In town the heat was stifling han aielby: “l-can't stand it, mate,’ said Will Newstead. ‘“Blest if I don’t go round to the ‘Blue Lion’ for a bit. “Tis enough to drive a man silly.†Mrs. Newstead’s heart sank. There was a good deal. at the “Blue Lion,’ besides the heat, to drive a man silly, she knew only too well. But her timid remonstrances seemed only to irritate her husband, and make him more determined, 7 “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! see what Pve got from the cuss