“138 OUR HAPPY HOME. I appeal to the present company as wit- nesses—hasn't the tea been bad lately?†“Awful!†cried George. oe _ “Below even workhouse fare,†added Walter: “Oh! it was such fun, Pattie. We were all down late last Sunday moming. the govermor, and ma, and Betsy, and everybody, and just as the kettle was got to boil, lo and behold! the key or the tea caddy | ‘could not be found. We searched high and low for it, and at last Betsy fished it up out of the coal- -SCOOp.) “Tt’s very easy to lose a key out of one's pocket,†said Pattie. . “So, in a great hurry and flurry mother went to. work, pouring in the hot water, putting on the cosy, and scolding us all the time it was brewing.†“Or supposed to be,†corrected Rene, “Why did mother scold your “Qh, because we were not shedding tears of sympathy with her; we were grinning at one another, you know. And George took advantage of the dilemma