1. Head of buttercup fruit, cut in half to show the achenes better . 9
2. Achene of buttercup opened. The seed within its horny covering 9

3. (a) Broad bean with seed-skin removed ; pulled apart to show
the “little hinge.” (b) Broad bean in half. One of the “fat

leaves” . ; : : ‘ : : : : ; elo
4. (a) Wallflower seed magnified. (6) and (c) Embryos of wallflower

seed germinating ; testa (or seed-skin) removed . : SeeTe2)
5. The winged seed of the maple aioe : : , : » 13
6, Embryo of maple seed ; magnified to show the manner of folding 13
7. (a) Germinating pea. (6) Germinating pea cut in half, showing

the depression where the head of the plumule rested , reuels7,
8. Trollius with abnormal leaves ; : . : . : . 21
9. Amoebae highly magnified. Examples of the “lumps of jelly’ at

the bottom of the animal kingdom, without definite form or
organs ; 3 : : 3 : ; ; : : . 24

10, A forest of little mould plants growing on a decayed leaf (seen
through the microscope) . : : : : , é . 26

11. Root of @nanthe pimpinelloides—Example of curious underground

store-rooms 3 : ; . : , ; : ' ress
12. The castor-oil plant : . ; ’ : : : , » 40
13. (a) Seed of germinating barley cut in half, (b) Germinating

barleycorn cut in half. The acrospire has grown right

through the seed, and pierced the husk of the grain. The

albumen is partly exhausted, and the process of germination

has gone too far for malting purposes . ; : " » 44
14 Growth of a carrot coming in contact with a stone in the soil . 52

15. Drosera rotundifolia—(the sundew plant) : : ae ge . 54°