JINGLES. ARR TNR ESE BAG TETAS? JINGLES. A rhyme evidently the invention of some mother quite worn out with the importunities of her children for stories : - FLL tell you a story I About Jack a-Nory — And now my story’s begun, Vl tell you another About Jack and his brother —= And now my story’s done. OR every evil under the sun There is a remedy or there is none: If there be one, try and find it ; If there be none, never mind it. This proverb,is from Benjamin Franklin’s “ Poor Richard’s Almanac,†WE that would thrive Must rise at five ; He that hath thriven May lie till seven ; And he that by the plough would thrive Yimself must either hold or drive. x © to bed first, a golden purse ; Go to bed second, a golden pheasant ; Go to bed third, a golden bird! Hallowell, an authority, says that the first three verses of this tale compriss all of the original, and that the rest are a modern addition. The evidence oi the antiquity of the story lies in itself. The rhyming of laughing to coffin in the third stanza establishes it, for this word was formerly pronounced /ay- jing, and was so spelt. In Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act II, scene st; ‘‘ And then the whole quire hold their hips and Jaffe.†LD Mcther Hubbard Went to her cupboard, To get her poor dog a bone ; But when she came there | The cupboard was bare, And so the poor dog had none,