Io The Story of

The prince immediately fell in love with her. He gently woke
her, and the’ princess at once opened her eyes without fear. Seeing
the prince on his knees as a suppliant, she asked him what was
the matter.

The prince made use of this favourable moment, bowed his
head down to the ground, and rising, said, ‘Most noble princess,
by the most extraordinary and wonderful adventure imaginable you
see here at your feet a suppliant prince, the son of the King of Persia,


who was yesterday morning with his father at his court, at the
celebration of a solemn feast, and is now in a strange country, in
danger of his life, if you have not the goodness and generosity to
give him your assistance and protection. These I implore, adorable
princess, with confidence that you will not refuse me. So much
beauty and majesty cannot entertain the least inhumanity.’

This princess, to whom Prince Firouz Schah so fortunately
addressed himself, was the Princess of Bengal, eldest daughter
of the king of that kingdom, who had built this palace at a