Sandford and Merton. | 55 eges, plates full of tarts and creams. Peep was quite wild with joy, and they set to work tooth and nail. “But hark, a key turns in a lock, and lo! a big man comes in with three large dogs! The mice, in a great fright, now run for the chink, but their tails brush the jaws of a great dog ere they reach it; yet they get safe out at last. ‘‘ When Peep could fetch her breath, she said to Dame Town Mouse: ‘I take my leave of town and great folk from this hour, and I long for the charms of the Downs and my snug nest in the tree; for, ‘Though poor the fare, Mice are most blest when free from care.’ � Tom and Hal now went to play with a snow ball which - they had made, but which had grown to such a size that they could not roll it. Tom said they must strike work, for no one could have the strength to move it. “Oh,†said Hal, “I know a cure for it.†So he went to fetch two thick sticks five feet long, one of which he took in his own hand, and gave one to Tom, and then told him to shove his stick ’twixt the ball and the ground, while he did the same on his side; and then the ball went with ease. CHAPTER VIL. WHEN the boys came home they went to their books, and Mr. Barlow gave them a sketch of some of the great wars that-took place a long time since. . “Oh,†said Tom, “ what a fine thing it must be to go to |