Report No. 22

 NSANJE SOUTH: A farm economic:survey of Malimba
 Groundnut Growers and Non-Malimba Growers on the
 Southern part of Nsanje District, Malawi,- February, 77.

 Table 1 : Percentage of Time spent on different farm Operations by Type
 of worker

 I '- -'- 1-.- IMales +15 Female +15 Children 6-14
 ,, Land Clorin; Uprooting 7 8 1

 Ridging Tilling 10 10 -
 S-Plan'in--Trans- wanting 8 1---- -----
 S. I I I

 ..ILivestock Operations, 1 70
 Marketing 2. 4 2
 -------------- -------------------------------------------------------

 ,Walking to and from gardens 12 I 1 10
 .----------- ------ ----------- 4

 -^------fb-k----------------k------------------ --_ M^~-4---^--^--R-- ---.--.---------- ---- *------ --ar
 I I I

 Other k Operationns 26 15 12

 Total Labour use- (%).- 10U 100 i 1CO-------

 Table 2 : Percentage share'of ime spent on different Operationsb
 T. ofILaor i
 .1 _o- o u .. .-. a.. .......- -
 I ------ -- .T_

 .-..--_.jMale 15+ 1F females .15+ 'Children 6-14 Total
 LjOther Operations ating 15 5 12
 _]' _eo_ abor ent Opert O

 -- ------ -------------
 *i.- le eas-- *5 e s [ Ch lre 4 -ota.
 L Land 01earineOrating.' 47 47 6 1 00
 didg nE, Tilling 5 47 1 100 1

 wanting, Trasplanting 37 58 5 1 00
 Planing ___~~~_r --------- $ __---F7----------,----
 e e I 1
 ------------ 46 1 48, 6 1 100 1

 --------------1 100
 Harvesting o om e 4 4I 10
 --------- __50 43 100 I
 Livestock Operations 3 2 95 1
 Ml marketing .
 ---- -- 34 58 i ,8 D00
I alking to and from garden .44. 47 I 1200
 L ----- --- 47 .... ..... 9 _
 Adapted from .' R report No. 22, Table 34, P. 49

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