FARMERS' SURVEY OF STALL FEEDERS IN LRDP OF LADD WIADP in coordination with- extension personnel in the Animal Husbandry Section of LADD interviewed men and women farmers who did stall feeding of steers using crop residues from October to December 1981. The study looked :at sex differences in recruitment, operations., renumerations and the fit of the enterprise into the farming system. FARMING .SYSTEMS RESEARCH IN LRDP OF -LADD- The FS survey -was dne in- LRDP in 1981 by a team led S .by Hansen.. No mention was made of the number of men and women farmers interviewed and the general term "farmer" was used. Therefore it is difficult to..know whether the findings and recommendations also covered women.. The cn-farm research trils on the response of local maize to fertilizer in LRDP might or might'not have included female cooperators but there is no mention of male and female farmers involved in the trials. *SOYABEAN RESEARCH IN LRDP AND THIWI-LIFIDZI PROJECT OF LADD Spring (1983)"reported that in the 1981/82 cropping season, WIADP trained women farmers in soyabean agronomy in LRDP and conducted farmer-managed demonstrations. This programme .came about through the project's interest in extension training for women. In one unit of LRDP women were taught soyabean cookery. but not soyabean agronomy. The project studied how female. soybean growers followed the recommendations on soybean agronomy. as well as measuring their yields. Farmers growing soyabeans in the Thiwi-Lifidzi project area were interviewed to discover their experience with .the crop. As a result of the interviews and demonstrations, a technical problem concerning the method of inoculating the seed was identified..., As a result of this problem, on-farm, farmer-managed trials have been set up to compare three methods of soyabean inoculation this growing season (1982/83). The treatments are (1) seed without inoculation; (2) inoculum mixed with seed and (3) inoculum mixed with sand and applied in the furrow. The soyabean programme is intended to point out that (a) home economics training is not sufficient for women farmers who also need agronomic information; (b) research station recommendations may present difficulties under smallholder condition; (c) women farmers should be included in on-farm farmer- managed trials; and (d) research and extension need to relate to smallholder problems. JUSTIFICATION FOR INCLUDING RURAL WOMEN IN FSR PROGRAMME Rural women are a heterogeneous group in terms of their agricultural production and resources (labour',.capital and land). There taare ;low, medium and high resources women ,farmers- There are women who are farm managers on their own; .while others work with their husbands. -41 -