ADAPTED FROM BARBARA CLARK, "THE;WI3K DONE BY RURAL WOMEN IN MALAWX", EASTERN AFRICAN 30URNAL OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT, 8.:280v91 ('?75) Toblo 61 Occupations of Rural Woman in M~a! KA RMONGA -THYOLO 1 ,' iZ It. j LAKEl. AU TOTi L Hrs. pr Of r por % of Hrs pa. I of Hrs. par of Heo. f" pd' IV L!~ of um ntodtal ann .otal anum total annum t a to t.a - Fiold and crop 65,359 16 64,125 18 43,853 15 42,845 21 114,223 29 33.,405 20 work on family holding MiSc. farm work on family hold- 7,229 2 5,975 2 6,593 2 33, 21 2 14,275 4 37,393 2 ing (1) Unpoid faIrm work olsuwhoro 5,297 1 2,972 1 8,183 3 P,079 3 11,693 x 23,224 1 Othor work 2,703 1 3,921 1 6,898 2 6,568 3 6,381 2 26,471. 2 SMaking boor and homocraft 12,973 3 3,597 1 (2) 1,073 1 5,217 1 22,860 1 Domestic activfi. tios ,' 89,281 21 96,306 27 77,531 26 41,858 21 82,634 21 387,610 25 aoing ill and 41,801 10 22,872 6 24,012 8 16,301 8 24,481 6 129,467 8 tending sick Attending 7,766 2 3,601 1 3,574 1 911 x 67 x 116,529 1 school Social oblioa- 31,351 7 12,865 4 13,870 5 8,073 4 5,059 1 71,218 4 tion (3) R3oroation and rrstin, 155,763 37 145,068 40 117,446 39 76,256 38 143,268 36 638,801 38 Total 419,523 100 301,960 101 202,285 101 200,285 101 397,900 100 1,683,978 10o * -_ 3/ iir --rr M --- ^-h"*r tq-TN~"irr t^.i-i^~-^ m i^ iin~ir ar -~~-i~~ii~--ir-ui -o-i-jij^ii ~^ --^i-cic-f"0inri i~tniiBr itM-ii cii -- r ---rT -- .--... ..- I. n sw ^sH~~i ^'ti ~ ~ pra^tat aitt^ tM tti-^N iet~~ftf~~'iBac^ ^ x = loss ihan .05 hours par day. No~toa ; 1) Xi rudG'3 v'ry few hours on the carol of livuatock 2) In' tho hour epont making bor, and homocrufts other kinds-of romunarativue work. 3) Mostly attendance at weddings and funeral. woro procossod togothor with i