runner among my whelps?’’ said the

‘‘Why the foremost one, that takes
such long leaps,’’ said Tangled Hair.

The old wolf laughed sneeringly.
‘“‘You are mistaken,’’ he said, ‘‘ he will
soon tire out. The one who seems to be
slowest will capture the game.”’

Shortly afterward they reached a place
where one of the young wolves had
dropped a small bundle.

‘Pick it up,’’ said the wolf to Tangled

‘‘No,’’ replied he, ‘‘ what do I want
with a dirty dog-skin?’”’

The wolf took it up and it was turned
into a beautiful robe.

“‘T will carry it now,’’ said Tangled
Hair. :
“Oh, no,’’ said the wolf, ‘‘I cannot
trust you with a robe of pearls,’’ and im-
mediately the robe shone, for nothing
could be seen but pearls.

They had gone about six arrow-flights
farther when they saw a broken tooth
that one of the young wolves had dropped
in biting at the moose as it passed.

‘‘Tangled Hair,’’ said the wolf, ‘‘one
of the children has shot at the game, pick
up his arrow.’’