
—eh, man? Speak!” he continued rap-
idly, his utterance somewhat thick. “What
have you here? Unfasten this cloak, some

Thunderstruck, and taken completely
by surprise—for the doorway was filled
with faces—the party in the room fell.
back a step. Simon mechanically laid the i
boy down, but still maintained his position. ngs “
by him. Nor did the Puritan » thoughche ao
found himself thus abruptly challenged DL
one who seemed to be able to make good EY 3
his words, lose a jot of his grim Eee
He was aware of no wrong he had done.)
His conscience was clear.

“They are not oldie your excel ;

said briskly. “ Four of them live here,/( C
and the other two are honest men fi om: