Jesus Riding into Jerusalem.


TEXT.—“ Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he that cometh ia
the name of the Lord.”? Matthew 21 29.


JESUS had never allowed the people to treat him as
aking. He had always said, ‘“ My kingdom is not of
this world.” He had come to the earth to save sinners,
and not to be a king in Jerusalem. Before he came to
the earth he was King in Heaven, and that was so
much better than being a King on the earth. And al-
though he would not come to this earth to be a king,
he loved us so well that he came to suffer and die for us.

But now the time had come when his work here was
nearly done, and he was ready to die for the sins of the
world. Andas he came up to Jerusalem to observe his
last Passover, he allowed his disciples, and those who
joined them, to treat him as if he were a king coming
to take the throne of Israel. And, although Jesus had
always refused worldly honor, yet now he wanted the
attention of the people drawn to him in every way pos-
sible. Salvation depended upon his death; and the
better he was known now, the more would his death
and resurrection be known. And this would make peo-
ple study the Scriptures to see if this was the Messiah.

So the people took off their outer garments and
spread them in the way, and cut down the branches of
the beautiful palms, and waved them as the tokens of
victory, and thousands joined in shouting, “Hosanna

to the Son of David.”