prophecies said in regard to the Messiah who was to
come, and she said, “I know that the Messiah cometh,
which is called Christ; when he is come, he will tell
us all things.” Jesus then told her that he was the
Christ. The woman believed him at once; and how
glad she was. She did not doubt, and ask for a sign
to prove that it was so, as the Jews did, but she felt
sure it was so. And although she was a sinner, she
was more true at heart than many others who thought
they were much better. And she forgot that she had
come to draw water. And she went back to her home,
telling all she met that she had seen the Christ.

The disciples returned while Jesus was talking
with the woman, and were surprised, but feared to ask
any questions. Jesus had not taken a drink of the
water yet, although he was weary and thirsty, for the
saving of a soul was more to him than eating or drink-
ing. He pitied all who were in sorrow or sin, and did
all he could forthem. He felt very sorry for these poor
Samaritans, who were looking and longing for the
coming of the Saviour.

As the woman went back to her home she told all
she met of the glad news. And many of the people
went out to see if it was so. When they saw Jesus
they asked him many questions, and were so glad to
receive his answers to things they wanted to under-
stand; and they begged him to stay longer with them.
Jesus stayed with them two whole days, and they gath-
ered and listened to him, and many believed in him.