her at once, but said, “‘ Whosoever drinketh of this
water shall thirst again ; but whosoever drinketh of the
water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the
water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of
water springing up into everlasting life.”

Jesus now had her respect, and she saw that it was
not the water in the well that he spoke of, for she and
all her friends drank of that water, and still they were
thirsty again andagain. You see Jesus meant that all
who take him into their hearts will have a fountain
from which flows kindness and love to all.

_ Jesus now spoke of other things, and asked for her
husband. She told him she had no husband. Then
Jesus opened up to her page after page of the history
of her life; and she with fear and awe said, “Sir, I
perceive that thou art a prophet.” She was glad of
this, for her heart was often very sad. You see she
had been very naughty, and did not like to talk about
it, and so she tried to have Jesus talk about other things.
You know how you feel when your mamma wants to
talk with you when you have been naughty ; you would
so much rather talk of something else. And that was
the way it was with this woman; she wanted to forget
it. So she asked him if it was so that they must go
to Jerusalem to worship. Jesus told her that the time
was near when it would make no difference where they
worshiped. It is the spirit in which we come to
God, and not the place, that makes it pleasing to him.

As Jesus talked to her she remembered what the