The Word of God.

This is a Bi-ble. The Bi-ble is
= God’s word to us. We know what
man wants of us be-cause we hear his
words. God does not speak to us as man
speaks. God speaks to us in his word.
We must learn to read his word, if we wish
to know what he would have us to do.


The First Sin.

Ad-am sinned, and so he had to give
up his per-fect home that God gave to him.
All who live in this world have sinned.
The Bi-ble says, “All have sinned, and
come short of the glo-ry of God.”

We also find in God’s word that “the
wages of sin is death.” “The soul that
sin-neth, it shall die.” All that God
speaks is true, so we know that we all

de-serve to die.