A | BANBURY : Opal (« Wei OG, The Baldwin Library gee KinB THE BANBURY CROSS s SERIES Prepared FOR CHILDREN BY “GRACE Ruys ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. Henynanseat Hea passe y w/e = F Aa /\ = THE HISTORY oF All BABA AND ‘THE. v FORTY THIEVES. » . aoa4e PICKRED (“BY aac PYBLISHED BY J:-MUDENT: excr. ALDINE HOVSE :G? EASTERN - STF “1895: . To Muriel. Nw Or all the tales they used to tell, Not one that ever I knew, Did I fear so much, or love so well, When I was a small child too, Dear Muriel, ’ As “ Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves,â€â€™ But my Baba had crimson sleeves ! And when it comes to the time of ‘year, When paint-boxes are new, And fairy tales are sweet to hear, Then you shall listen too, Muriel dear,— To “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves ;†But paint Baba with crimson sleeves ! The Story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. 1* an old town of Persia there lived two brothers, Cassim and Ali Baba. Their father, at his death, left them a small fortune, which they divided be- tween them. It might therefore be thought that their riches would be the ‘same; but not so, as you shall see. Cassim married a wife who owned a fine shop, a warehouse, and some land ; he thus found himself all at once quite 6 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. at his ease, and became one of the richest men in the whole town. Ali Baba, on the other hand, a a wife no better off than himself, and lived in a very poor house. He had no other means of livelihood, and of supporting his wife and children, than by going out to cut wood in the next forest, and carrying it about the town to sell on three asses. _Ali Baba went one day to the forest, ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 7 xo and had very nearly finished cutting as -much wood as his asses could carry, when he saw a thick cloud of dust, rising very high in the air, which seemed to be com- ing towards him. He looked at it long, until he saw a great company of men on horseback, who came riding fast, raising the dust. Although that part of the country was not often infested by robbers, Ali Baba still thought that these horsemen looked like them. Without, therefore, at all thinking what might become of his asses, his first and only care was to save him- -self.. So he climbed up quickly into a large tree, the branches of which spread out so close and thick, that from the 8. ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. YE Ga TUG INS VA YN) SO ae en! nen at es 7 sit midst of them he could see everything that passed, without being seen. The robbers rode swiftly up to this very tree, and there alighted. Ali Baba counted forty of them, and saw that each horseman took the bridle off his horse, hung over its head a bag filled with barley, and fastened it up. Then they took their travelling bags, which were so heavy that Ali Baba thought they were filled with gold and silver. The Captain of the thieves came, his bag on his shoulder, close to the rock, at the very spot where the tree grew in ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 9. sas sce tae which Ali Baba had hidden himself. After the rascal had made his way through the shrubs that grew there, he cried out these words, opEN sEsAME! which Ali . Baba distinctly heard. No sooner were they spoken than a door opened; the Captain and all his men passed quickly in, and the door closed again. There they stayed for a long time; and Ali Baba was compelled to wait IO ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. in the tree with patience, as he was afraid some of them might come out if he left his hiding-place. At length the door opened, and the forty thieves came out. After he had seen all the troop pass out before him, Ali Baba heard the Captain say the words, sHuT sesame! Each man then bridled his horse, and mounted. When the Cap- tain saw that all were ready, he put himself at their head, and they rode off as they had come. Ali Baba did not come down from the tree at once, because he thought they might have forgotten something, and be obliged to come back, and that he should thus be caught. He watched them as long as he could; nor did he leave the tree for a long time after he had lost sight of them. Then, recalling the words the Captain had used to open and shut the door, he made his way through the bushes to it, and called out, ‘Open Sesamé!†Instantly the door flew wide open! Ali Baba expected to find only a dark cave, and was much astonished at seeing a large, fine vaulted chamber, dug out of the rock, and higher than a man could reach. It received its light from a hole I2 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. in the top of the rock. In it all sorts of rare fruits, bales of rich merchandise, silk stuffs and brocades, and great heaps of money, both silver and gold, some loose, some in large leather bags,: were piled up one on another. The sight of all these things almost took Ali Baba’s breath away. ce - But he did not hesitate long as to what he should do. He went boldly into the cave, and as soon as he was there, the door shut ; but since he knew the secret by which to open it, this gave him no fear. Leaving the silver, he turned to the gold which was in the bags, and when he had gathered enough for loading his three ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 13 asses, he went and brought them to the rock, loaded them, and so covered the sacks of gold over with wood that no one could suspect anything. . This done, he went up to the door, and had no sooner said the words, ‘‘ Shut Sesamé,†than it closed. And now Ali Baba took the road to the town; and when he got home, drove his asses into the yard, and shut the gate with 14 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. great care. He threw off the wood that hid the gold, and carried the bags into his house, where he laid them down in a row before his wife, who was sitting upon a couch. When he had told the whole story of the cave and the forty thieves, he emptied out the sacks, making one great heap of gold that quite dazzled his wife’s eyes. His wife began to rejoice in this good fortune; and was going to count over the money that lay before her, piece by piece. ‘What are you going to do?†said he; ‘‘ why, you would never have done counting. I will dig a pit to bury it in; we have no time to lose.†‘Tt is right, though,†replied the wife, “that we should know nearly how much there may be. I will go and borrow a small corn-measure, and whilst you are digging the pit, I will find how much there is.†So the wife of Ali Baba set off and ‘went to her brother-in-law, Cassim, who lived a short way from her house. Cas- sim was from home, so she begged his wife to lend her a measure for a few minutes. ‘That I will, with pleasure,†said Cassim’s wife. She went to seek a measure, but knowing how poor Ali ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. I5 Baba was, she was curious to know what sort of grain his wife wanted to measure ; and she put some tallow under the measure, which she did without its being visible. , The wife of Ali Baba returned home, and placing the measure on the heap of gold, filled it over and over again, till she had measured the whole; Ali Baba by this time had dug the pit for it, and while he was burying the gold, his wife went back with the measure to her sister- in-law, but without observing that a piece of gold had stuck to the bottom of it. 16. ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. The wife of Ali Baba had scarcely turned her back, when Cassim’s wife looked at the bottom of the measure, and was astonished to see a piece of gold sticking to it. ‘‘ What!†said she, “ Ali Baba measures his gold! Where can the wretch have got it?†When her husband Cassim came home, she said to him, ‘¢Cassim, you think you are rich, but Ali Baba must have far more wealth than you; he does not count his gold as you do; he measures it.†Then she ALI BABA AND. THE FORTY THIEVES. 17 showed him the piece of money she had found sticking to the bottom of the measure ; a coin so ancient that the name of the prince, engraven on it, was unknown to her. Far from feeling glad at the good fortune which his brother had met with, Cassim grew so jealous of Ali Baba that he passed almost the whole night without closing his eyes. The next morning before sunrise he went to him. He did not treat him as a brother: ‘* Ali Baba,†said he, harshly ‘‘ you pretend to be poor and miserable, and a beggar, and yet you measure your money,†and Cassim showed him the piece of gold his wife had given him, ‘“‘how many pieces,†added he, ‘* have you like this, that my wife found sticking to the bottom of the measure yesterday ?†From this speech Ali Baba knew that Cassim, and his wife also, must suspect what had happened. So, without showing the least sign of surprise, he told Cassim by what chance he had found the retreat of the thieves, and where it was; and offered, if he would keep it secret, to share the treasure with him. “‘ This I certainly expect,†replied Cassim in a haughty tone; ‘‘ otherwise I og Ps 18 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. Kf a <a 7 Laer ar Oe ‘ BAL \\ es SAA 9 HT = ( ANN RNR ITRRR eC yl (A i K . ae [we Hf Af DS, auch na | eS Ae Zan A. Wh ' y NN i & will go and inform the officer of police of it.†Ali Baba, led rather by his good nature than by fear, told him all, even to the words he must pronounce, both on entering the cave and on quitting it. Cassim made no further enquiries of Ali Baba; he left him, determined to seize the whole treasure, and set off next morning before break of day with ten ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 19 mules charged with large hampers which he proposed to fill. He took the road which Ali Baba had pointed out, and arrived at the rock and the tree, when, on looking for the door, he soon discovered it. Having cried, ‘‘ Open Szsami!†the door obeyed; he entered, and it closed again. Greedy as Cassim was, he could have passed the whole day in feasting his eyes with the sight of so much gold; 20 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. but he reflected that he was come to ‘take away and lade his ten mules with as much as he could collect ; he therefore filled his sacks, and coming to the door, he found that he had forgotten the secret words, and instead of saying ‘* Sesame,†he said, ‘‘ Open, barley.†But the door, instead of flying open, remained closed ; he named various other kinds of grain; all but the right were called upon, and ‘the door did not move. Cassim was not prepared for this, and threw the sacks he had collected on the ground, and paced with hasty steps backward and forward ‘in the cave; where let us leave him to his fate. The thieves returned to their cave towards noon; and when they were within a short distance of it, and saw the mules belonging to Cassim laden with hampers, standing about the rock, they were a good deal surprised. They drove away the ten mules, which took to flight in the forest. Then the Captain and his men alighted, and with their sabres in their hands, went towards the door, said “Open: Szesamk!†and it opened. Cassim, who from the inside of the cave heard the horses trampling on the ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 21 ground, did not. doubt that the thieves had. come, and that his death was near. Resolved, however, on one effort to escape, and reach some place of safety, he placed himself near the door, ready to run out as soon as it should open. The word ‘‘ Sesame,†was scarcely pronounced than it opened, and he rushed out with such violence that he threw the Captain on the ground. He could not, however, escape the other thieves, who, having their sabres drawn, slew him on the spot. : On entering the cave the thieves found the sacks near the door which Cassim had filled, but they could not imagine how he had been able to get in. They agreed to divide the carcase of Cassim into four quarters, and place them in the cave near the door—two quarters on one side, and two on the other—to frighten away anyone else who might have the boldness to break into the cave. Then, leaving it well secured, they mounted their horses, and rode away. The wife of Cassim, in the meantime, was in the greatest uneasiness, when night came, and her husband did not ‘¢ 3s ar ya ee >) at : {ry + poe WS < | | ye Te i \. % ON) Ni : 24 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. return. She went in the utmost alarm to Ali Baba, and said to him, ‘‘ Brother, I believe you know that Cassim has gone to the forest; he is not yet come back, and as night is come, I fear some accident may have befallen him.†Ali Baba did not wait for entreaties to go and séek for Cassim. He immediately set off with his three asses, and went to the forest. As he drew near the rock he was astonished to see that blood had been shed near the cave. When he reached the door, he said,. “Open Sesami!†and it opened. He was struck with horror to find the body of his brother cut into four quarters. He decided to carry them home, and making two packets of the four quarters, he placed them on one of his asses, covering them with sticks, to conceal them. The other two asses he quickly loaded with sacks of gold, putting wood over them as before. “Then, commanding the door to close, he took the road to the city, waiting in the forest till nightfall, that he might return without being observed. When he got home, he left the two asses that were laden with gold, desiring his wife to take care to unload them; and having told ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 25 her what had happened to Cassim, he led the other ass to his sister-in-law. Ali Baba knocked at the door, which was opened to him by Morgiana, who was a female slave, clever, and full of invention. When he had entered the court he took off the wood and the two packages from the ass, and taking her aside, ‘‘ Morgiana,†said he, “the first thing I have to ask you is to keep.a deep secret! These two packets contain the body of your master, and we must bury him as if he had died a natural death. Let me speak to your mistress, and hearken what I say . to her.†-Morgiana went to call her mistress, and Ali Baba then told her all that had happened, until his arrival with the body of Cassim: “‘ Sister,†added he, “here is a sad affliction for you, but we must con- trive to bury my brother as if he had died anatural death; and then we shall be glad to offer you a shelter under our own roof.†_ The widow of Cassim reflected that she could not do better than consent. She therefore wiped away her tears, which had begun to flow, and suppressed. her mournful cries, and thereby. showed Ali Baba that she accepted his offer. Ali Baba left her in this frame of mind, 26 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES.. and Morgiana went out with him to an apothecary’s there ;.she knocked at the shop-door, and when it was opened, asked for a particular kind of lozenge of great effect in. dangerous illness.. The apothecary gave her the lozenge, asking who was ill in her master’s family. “‘ Ah!†exclaimed she with a deep sigh, **it is my worthy. master, Cassim himself, He can neither speak nor eat |†Meanwhile, as Ali Baba and his wife were seen going backwards and forwards to the house of Cassim, in the course of the day, noone was surprised on hearing in the evening the piercing cries of his widow and Morgiana, which announced his death. At a very early hour the next morning, when day began to appear, Morgiana, knowing that a good old cobbler lived near, who was one of the first to open his shop, went out in search of him, .and coming up to him, she wished him a good- day, and put a piece of gold into his hand. Baba Mustapha, the cobbler, was natur- ally of a gay turn, and had always something laughable to say. Looking at the money, as it was yet scarcely day- light, and seeing it was gold, « A good hansel,†said he ; ‘‘ what’s tobe done? I am. ready to do what Iam bid.†<« Baba ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 27 = 5 x iD i , Hy, NOAM 71 ed (MU Sa) ALIN Tae eet WV Rie aR Mustapha,†said Morgiana to him, ‘take all you want for sewing, and come directly with me ; but on this condition, that you let me put a bandage over your | eyes when we have got to a certain street.†At these words Baba Mustapha 28 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. began to shake his head. ‘‘ Oh, oh,†said he, ** you want me to do something wrong.†But putting another piece of gold into his hand, Morgiana said, ‘<I want you to do nothing wrong, only ' come with me, and fear nothing.†Baba Mustapha then let himself be led by Morgiana, who, when she had reached the street she had mentioned, bound a handkerchief over his eyes, and con- ducted him to Cassim’s house; nor did she remove the bandage until he was in the chamber where the body lay, each quarter in its proper place. Then taking it off, ‘‘Baba Mustapha,†said she, “I have brought you here, that you might sew these pieces together. Lose no ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 29 8 = | Â¥ time, and when you have done I will give you another piece of gold.†When Baba Mustapha had finished his job, Morgiana bound his eyes again before he left the chamber, and having given him a third piece of money, she led him to the place where she had first put on the handkerchief; and having again taken it off, left him to return to his house. And so the body of Cassim was prepared for its burial, which took place the same day, attended by Ali Baba and Morgiana. As for his widow, she remained at home to lament and weep with her 30 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. Ee ce Ae hay ay : custom, repaired to her house during the ceremony of the burial, and joining their cries to hers, filled the air with sounds of woe. Thus the manner of Cassim’s death was so well hidden that no one in the city had any thought of it. But let us now leave Ali Baba and Morgiana, and return to the forty thieves. When they came back to their cave, they found the body of Cassim gone, and with it much of their treasure. “We are discovered,†said the Captain, “‘ and ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 31 lost if we are not very careful. All that we can at present tell is, that the man whom we killed in the cave knew the secret of opening the door. But he was not the only one; another must have found it out too. Having slain one, we must not let the other escape. Well, the first thing to be done is that one of you should go to the. city, without arms, and in the dress of a traveller, and try to discover. who the man we killed was, and where he lived.†The thief who agreed to carry out this plan, having disguised himself so that no one could have told who he was, set off at night, and entered the city just as day was dawning. He went towards the square, where he saw only one shop open, which was that of Baba Mustapha, the cobbler. Baba Mustapha was seated on his stool, with his awl in his hand, ready. to begin his work. The thief went up. to him and wished him good morning, ‘‘ My good man,†said he, ‘‘ you rise early to your work; you can hardly see clearly at this early hour, so old as you are.†‘Whoever you are,†replied Baba Mustapha, ‘you do not know much of me. Old as I am, I have good eyes; and 32 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. so you would have said had you known _ that not long ago I sewed up a dead body in a place where there was not more light than we have now.†; The thief felt great satisfaction at having so soon found a man who gave him the very news he wanted. “A body,†said he, with feigned surprise, ‘‘why sew up a dead body?â€. * Oh!†said Baba Mustapha, ‘I know ; you want me to tell you all about it, but you shall not know another word.†The thief hereupon drew out a piece of gold, and putting it into Baba Mustapha’s hand, said, ‘I have no desire to know any secret. The only thing I ask of you is to come with me, and show me the house where you sewed up the dead body.†“*T cannot,†replied Baba Mustapha. “And I will tell you why: they took me to a particular street and there they bound my eyes, and then led me to the — house; and when I had finished led me back the same way.†‘But at least,†said the thief, <‘ you must remember the way you went after your eyes were bound ; pray come with me, I will put a bandage over your eyes at that place, and we will walk together along the same streets, and follow the same ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 33 turnings. Come, here is another piece of gold.†‘The two pieces of gold tempted the cobbler. ‘I cannot say,†said he, ‘that I remember exactly the way they took me, but since you will have it so, come along, I will do my best!†So Baba Mustapha got up to go with him, and without shutting up his shop, he led the thief to the spot where Mor- giana had put the bandage over his eyes. And here the thief, who had a handker- chief ready, tied it over his eyes, and walked by his side, partly leading him and partly being led by him, till he stopped. ‘The cobbler was in fact exactly before the house which formerly belonged to Cassim, and where Ali Baba now lived. Before he took the bandage from his eyes, the thief quickly made a mark on the door with some chalk he had for the purpose, and when he had taken it off he asked him if he knew to whom the house belonged. Baba Mustapha replied that he did not live in that part of the town, and could not tell him. As the thief found he could gain nothing more from Baba Mustapha, he thanked him for the trouble he had taken, and when he left To Cc ALL BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 35 him to return to his shop, took the road to the forest. Very soon after this Morgiana had Occasion to go out, and saw the mark which the thief had made on the door of Ali Baba’s house. “ What can this mark mean?†thought she; “has any one a spite against my master, or has it been done only for fun? In any case, it will be well to guard against the worst that may happen.†She therefore took some chalk, and as several of the doors both above and below her master’s were alike, she marked them in the same manner, and then went in without saying anything of what she had done either to her master oY mistress, The thief in the meantime atrived at the forest, and related the success of his journey. They all listened to him with great delight, and the Captain, after prais- ing him, said, ‘Comrades, we have no time-to lose; let us arm ourselves and depart, and when we have entered the city, which we had best do separately, let us all meet in the great square, and I will go and find out the house with the chalk mark.†Thus the thieves went in small parties of two or three to the city without caus- 36 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. ing any suspicion. The thief who had been there in the morning then led the Captain to the street in which he had marked the house of Ali Baba. When ‘they reached the first house that had been marked by Morgiana, he pointed it out, saying that was the one. But as they continued walking on, the Captain saw that the next door was marked in the same manner. At this the thief was quite confused, and knew not what to say; for they found four or five doors more with the same mark. The Captain, who was in great anger, returned to the square, and told the first ~ of his men whom he met to tell the rest that they had lost their labour, and that nothing remained but to return to the forest. When they had reached the forest the Captain declared the mistaken thief deserving of death, and his head was at once cut off by his companions. Next day another thief, in spite of this, determined to succeed where the other had failed. He went to the city, found the cobbler, who led him in the same way to the house, whose door he marked with red. But, a short time after, Morgiana went out and saw the ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 37 red mark, and did not fail to make a similar red mark on the neighbouring doors. The thief, when he returned to the forest, boasted of his success, and the Captain and the rest repaired to the city with as much care as before, and the Captain and his guide went immediately to the street where Ali Baba resided; but the same thing occurred as before. Thus they were obliged to return again to the forest disappointed, where -the second thief had his head cut off. _ The Captain next time himself went to the city, and, with the help of Baba Mustapha, found the house of Ali Baba. But not choosing to amuse himself in making marks on it, he examined it so well, not only by looking at it, but by passing before it several times, that. at last he was certain he could not mistake it. Thereupon he returned to the forest, and told the thieves he had made sure of the house, and had made a plan that they must help him to carry out. And first he charged them to divide into small parties, and go into the neigh- bouring towns and villages, and to buy WA wil | Cees SS =e = a SS KZ = SS = 3 5 res} SSS ? yy A el —— Me \ j eS Ii S : “HH SES : S <S 7 (iit nul we ait st UUs Mali ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 39 nineteen mules and thirty-eight large leather jars to carry oil, one of which must be full, and all the others empty. : In the course of two or three days the thieves returned, and the Captain made one of his men enter each jar, armed as he thought necessary, and closed them so as to appear full of oil, leaving, however, a small slit open to admit air for them to breathe; and the better to carry out the trick, he rubbed the outside of the jars with oil, which he took from the full one. Things being thus disposed, the mules were laden with the thirty-seven thieves each concealed in a jar, and the jar that was filled with oil; when the Captain took the road to the city at the hour that had been agreed, and arrived about an hour after sunset. He went straight to the house of Ali Baba, where he found Ali Baba at the door, enjoying the fresh air after supper. He stopped his mules, “Sir,†said he, ‘I have brought the oil which you see from a great distance to sell it to-morrow at the market, and at this late hour I do not know where to go to pass the night; if it would not "ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 41 occasion you much trouble, do me the favour to take me in for the night.†Although Ali Baba had seen the man who now spoke to him in the forest, and even heard his voice, yet he had no idea that this was the Captain. of the forty robbers disguised as an oil merchant. “‘You are welcome,†said he, and im- mediately made room for him and his mules to go in. At the same time, Ali Baba called a slave, and ordered him, when the mules were unladen, not only to put them under cover in the stable, but also to give them some hay and corn. He also took the trouble of going into “the kitchen to desire Morgiana to get a supper quickly for a guest who was just arrived, and to prepare him a chamber and bed. -The. Captain of the thieves got up at the same time with Ali Baba and accom- panied him to the door, and while the latter went into the kitchen to speak to Morgiana, he went into the court, with the pretext of going to the stable to see after his mules. Ali Baba having told Morgiana to look to his guest, and see he wanted nothing, added, ‘I give you notice that to-morrow before daybreak I shall go to the bath. 42 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. ‘Take care that my bathing-linen is ready, and make me some good broth -to take when I return.†After giving these orders he went to bed. The Captain of the thieves, in the mean- time, on leaving the stable, went to give his people orders what to do. Beginning with the first jar, and going through the whole number, he said to each, *¢ When I shall throw some pebbles from my cham- ber, do not fail to rip open the jar from top to bottom with the knife you have got, and to come out; I shall be with you soon after.†The knife he spoke of was sharpened for the purpose. This done, he returned, and Morgiana took a light, and led him to his chamber. Not to create any suspicion, he put out the light, and lay down in his clothes, to be ready to rise as soon as he had taken his first sleep. Morgiana did not forget Ali Baba’s orders; she prepared his linen for the bath and gave it to Abdalla, Ali Baba’s slave, who was not yet gone to bed; put the pot on the fire to make the broth, but while she was skimming it the lamp went out. There was no more oil in the house, and she had not any candle. She knew not what to do. She wanted a 44 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. light to see to skim the pot, and mentioned it to Abdalla. “Why,†said he, “go and take some oil out of one of the jars in the court.†Morgiana accordingly took the oil-can and went into the court. As she drew near to the first jar, the thief who was concealed within, said in a low voice, “Ts it time 2?†Although he had spoken softly, Mor- giana was struck with the sound, which she heard the more distinctly as the Captain, when he had unladed his mules, had opened all the jars, and this among the rest, to give a little air to his men. Any other slave except Morgiana, in the first moment of surprise at finding a man in the jar instead of some oil, would have made a great uproar. But Morgiana collected her thoughts, and without ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 45 showing any emotion, assumed the voice of the Captain, and answered, “‘ Not yet, but presently.†She approached the next jar, and the same question was asked her ; she went on to them all in turn, making the same answer to the same question, till she came to the last, which was full of oil. : Morgiana, by this means, discovered that her master, who supposed he was giving a night’s lodging to an oil-merchant only, had afforded shelter to thirty-eight robbers, including the pretended mer- chant their Captain. She quickly filled her oil-can from the last jar, and returned into the kitchen; and after having put some oil in her lamp and lighted it, she took a large kettle, and went again into the court to fill it with oil: from the jar. This done, she brought it back again, put it over the fire, and made a great blaze under it with a quantity of wood ; for the sooner. the oil boiled, the sooner her plan would be carried out. At length the oil boiled. She then took the kettle and poured into each jar, from the first to the last, enough boiling oil to scald the robbers to death. This being done without any noise, she returned to thekitchen with the empty 48 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. kettle, and shut the door. She put out the large fire she had: made up for this purpose, and only left enough to finish boiling the broth for Ali Baba: She then blew out the lamp and remained perfectly silent, determined not to go to bed until she had watched what would happen, from a window of the kitchen which overlooked the court. Morgiana had scarcely waited a quarter of an hour, when the Captain of the robbers awoke. He got up, and open- ing the window looked out; all was dark, and silent; he gave the signal by throwing the pebbles, many of which fell on the jars, as the sound plainly proved. He listened, but heard nothing that could lead him to suppose his men obeyed: the summons. He became un- easy at this delay, and threw some pebbles down a second, and even a third time. ‘They all struck the jars, yet nothing moved, and he was at a loss to account for it. He went down into the court in the utmost alarm, with as little noise as possible ; and going up to the first jar, as he was going to ask if the robber con- tained in it, and whom he supposed still living, was asleep, he smelt a strong scent of hot and burning oil coming out of the ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 49 jar, by which he feared his wicked plan had failed. He went to the next jar, and to all in turn, and discovered that all his “men were dead. ‘Terrified at this, he jumped over the garden-gate which led out of the court, and going from one garden to another by getting over the walls, made his escape. ‘When Morgiana perceived that all was still and silent, and that the Captain of the thieves did not return, she concluded he Io D 50 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. which was fastened with double bolts. Fully satisfied and overjoyed at having so well succeeded in securing the safety of the whole family, she at length retired to bed, and soon fell asleep. Ali Baba went out before daybreak, and repaired to the bath, followed by his slave, totally ignorant of the surprising event which had taken place in his house during his sleep, for Morgiana had not thought it necessary to wake him, particularly as she-had no time to lose, while she was engaged in her perilous enterprise, and it was useless to dis- turb him after she had averted the danger. ALI BABA AND THE. FORTY THIEVES. 51 When he returned from the bath, the sun being risen, Ali Baba was surprised to see the jars of oil still in their places ; he enquired the reason of Morgiana, who let him in, and who had left every- thing as it was, in order to show it to him. 2 ‘My good master,†said Morgiana to Ali Baba’s question, ‘‘ may God preserve you and all your family. You will soon know the reason, if you will take the trouble to come with me.†Ali Baba followed Morgiana, and when she had shut the door, she took him to the first jar and bid him look in and see if it 52 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. contained oil. He did as she desired; and seeing a man in the jar, he hastily drew back and uttered a cry of sur- prise. ‘Do not be afraid,†said she, “the man you see there will not do you any harm; he has attempted it, but he’ will never hurt either you or any one else again, for he is now a lifeless corpse.†‘‘Morgiana!†exclaimed Ali Baba, ‘¢ what does all this mean? Do explain this mystery.†‘I will explain it,†replied Morgiana, ‘“‘but pray be cautious, and do not awaken the curiosity of your neighbours to learn what it is of the utmost importance that you should keep secret and concealed. Look first at all the other jars.†a iNe Ali Baba examined all the rest of the jars, one after the other, from the first till he came to the last, which con- tained the oil, and he remarked that its oil was nearly all gone. This done, he stood, sometimes casting his eyes_ on Morgiana, then looking at the jars, yet without speaking a word, so great was his surprise. | At length, as if speech was suddenly restored to him, he said, “‘ And what is become of the merchant ?†‘The merchant,†replied Morgiana, ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 53. ‘is just as much a merchant as I am. I can tell you who he is.†She then described the marks madeupon the door, and the way in which she had copied them, adding: ‘‘ You see this is. a plot contrived by the thieves of the - forest, whose troop, I know not how, seems to be diminished by two. But be that as it may, it is now reduced to three at most. This proves that they. are determined on your death, and you will do right to be on your guard against them, so long as you are certain that even one_remains.†Ali Baba, full of gratitude for all he owed her, replied, ‘I will reward you - as you deserve before I die. I owe my life to you, and from this moment give you your liberty, and will soon do still more for you.†Meanwhile the Captain of the forty thieves had returned to the forest full of ~rage, and determined to revenge himself on Ali Baba. Next morning he awoke at an early hour, put on a merchant’s dress, and returned to the city, where he took a lodging in a khan. Then he bought a _-horse, which he made use of to convey _to his lodging several kinds of rich stuffs 54 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. and fine linens, bringing them from the forest at various times. In order to dis- pose of these wares, he took a shop, and established himself in it. This shop was ‘exactly opposite to that which had belonged to Cassim, and was now occu- pied by the son of Ali Baba. The Captain of the thieves who had taken the name of Cogia Houssain, soon succeeded in making friends with the son of Ali Baba, who was young and: good-natured. He often invited the young man to sup with him, and made him many rich gifts. When Ali Baba heard of it, he resolved to make some return for this kindness to Cogia Houssain; little thinking that the pre- ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 55 tended merchant was reaily the captain of the thieves. So one day he asked Cogia Houssain to do him the honour of supping, and spending the evening at his house. “Sir,†replied Cogia, “I am grateful _ for your kindness; but I must beg you to excuse me, and for a reason which Tam sure you will think sufficient. It is this; I never eat of any dish that has salt in it: judge, then, of the figure I should make at your table.†“If this be your only reason,†replied Ali Baba, “it need not prevent your coming to supper with me. The bread which is eaten in my house does not contain any salt; and as for the meat and other dishes, I promise you there shall be none in those which are served before you.†So Ali Baba went into the kitchen, and desired Morgiana not to put any salt to the meat she was going to serve for supper, and also to prepare two or three dishes of those that he had ordered with- out any salt. Morgiana, who was just going to serve the supper, could not help being annoyed at this, and making some inquiries of Ali Baba: ‘‘ Who,†said she, “is this man, that cannot eat salt? ‘Your supper will 56 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. later.†«Do not be angry,†replied Ali Baba; “‘he is a good man; do what I desire you.†: Morgiana obeyed, though much against her will; and she felt some curiosity to see this man who did not eat salt. When she had finished, and Abdalla had prepared the table, she helped him in carrying the dishes. On looking at Cogia Houssain, she instantly recollected him to be the Captain of the robbers, in spite of his disguise ; and looking at him more closely, she saw that he had a ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 57 dagger hidden under his dress. “Iam no longer surprised,†said she to herself, “that this villain will not eat salt with my master; he is his greatest enemy, and means to murder him; but I will _ still prevent the villain!†When the supper was ended, the Captain of the forty thieves now thought that the time for revenging himself on Ali Baba, by taking his life, was come. “TY will make them both drink much wine,†thought he, ‘and then the son, against whom I bear no malice, will not prevent my plunging my dagger into the heart of his father, and I shall escape by way of the garden, as I did before, while the cook and the slave are at their supper or perhaps asleep in the kitchen.†Instead, however, of going to supper, Morgiana did not allow him time to carry out his wicked plans. She dressed herself like a dancer, put on a head-dress suitable to that character, and wore a girdle round her waist of silver gilt, to which she fastened a dagger, made of the same metal. Her face was hidden by a very handsome mask. When she had so disguised herself, she said to Abdalla, ‘Take your tabor, and let us go and entertain our master’s guest, who is 58 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. the friend of his son, as we do sometimes by our perform- ances.†Abdalla took his tabor and began to play, as he walked be- fore Morgiana, and entered the room; Mor- giana following him, made a low curtsey, and performed several dances, | with equal | grace and agil- ity. At length she drew out the dagger, and dancing with it in her hand, she surpassed all she had yet done, by her light move- ments and high leaps; some- ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 59 times presenting the dagger as if to strike, and at others holding it to her ’ own bosom, as if to stab herself. At length, as if out of breath, she took the tabor from Abdalla with her left hand, and holding the dagger in her right, she held out the tabor to Ali Baba, who threw a piece of gold into the tabor. Morgiana then held it out to his son, who did the same. Cogia Houssain, who saw that she was coming to him next, had already taken his purse from his bosom, and was putting his hand in it, when Morgiana, with great courage, suddenly plunged the dagger into his heart so deep, that the life blood streamed from the wound. Ali Baba and his son, terrified at this ‘action, uttered a loud cry: ‘‘ Wretch!†60 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. exclaimed Ali Baba, ‘‘ what hast thou done? Thou hast ruined me and my family for ever.†, ‘“What I have done,†replied Mor- giana, “is not for your ruin, but for your safety.†Then opening Cogia Houssain’s robe to show Ali Baba the poniard which was concealed under it, “* See,†continued she, ‘the cruel enemy you had to deal with; examine him, and you will recognise the pretended 62 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. oil-merchant and the Captain of the forty thieves! Do you now see why he refused to eat salt with you? Can you require a stronger proof of his treachery ?†a6 Ali Baba, who now saw all that he owed to Morgiana for having thus saved his life a second time, cried, ‘‘ Morgiana, I gave you your liberty, and at the same time promised to do more for you at. some future time. ‘This period is now arrived, and I present you to my son as his wife.†A few days after, Ali Baba had the marriage ofhis son and Morgiana cele- brated with great feasting. After the marriage, Ali Baba decided to again visit the cave of the forty thieves, in the forest. On reaching it on horse- back, he dismounted, and went up to the door, and repeated the words, ‘‘ OPEN sEsamé.†At once the door opened, and he entered the cave, and found that no one had been in it from the time that Cogia Houssain had opened his shop in the city. He therefore knew that the whole troop of thieves. was. killed, and that he was the only person in the whole world who knew the secret of the cave. ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES. 63 From that time Ali Baba and his son, ‘whom he took to the cave and taught the secret to enter it, enjoyed its riches with moderation and lived in great happiness and comfort to the end of their long lives. ‘TURNBULL AND SPEARS, PRINTERS, EDINBURGH.