CHAPTER VI. Of the inhabitants of Lilliput ; their learning, laws, and customs, the manner of educating their children. The Author's way of living in that country. His vindication of a great lady. LTHOUGH I intend to leave the description of this Empire to a particular treatise, yet in the: meantifne I am content to gratify the curious reader with some general ideas. As the common size of the natives is somewhat under six inches high, so there is an exact proportion in all other animals, as well as plants and trees ; for instance, the tallest horses and oxen are between four and five inches in height, the sheep an inch and a half, more or less ; their geese about the size of a sparrow, and so the several gradations downwards, till you come to the smallest, which, to my sight, were almost invisible; but nature had adapted the eyes of the Lilliputians to all objects proper for their view. They see with great exactness, but at no great distance. And to show the sharpness of their sight, toward objects that are near, I have been much pleased observing a cook pulling a lark, which was not so large as a common fly; and a young girl threading an invisible needle with invisible silk. Their tallest trees are about seven feet high; I mean some of those