senal was threatened with destruction,
but his pride held him back. Grant's
heart was heavy, for he believed he was
doing wrong. He knew that his own in-
solent words had provoked Philip into
saying what he did, and still he was un-
willing to do his playfellow a service.
Ethan Murray was an upright man
who gathered his family about him after
supper for prayers. But first he read a
chapter in the Bible. Since the strike
began he had read aloud several of the
psalms in which David triumphs over the
downfall of his enemies, The tenth psalm
had been a special favorite. When he
read, “ The wicked in his pride doth per-
secute the poor,” he thought of Mr. Kel-
sey. But on the third of July Ethan
read Christ’s wonderful sermon on the
mount, which no divine has ever equaled,
and which every child can understand.