50 THE GORILLA HUNTERS. journey, but could come at no satisfactory conclusion in my own mind, and, to say truth, I felt not a little crest- fallen at my conduct in the whole affair. While wandering in this mood near the spot where the buffalo had been first wounded, I received a sudden and severe start on observing the leopard crouching within a couple of yards of me. I saw it through the bushes quite distinctly, but could not make quite sure of its attitude. With a mingled ery of alarm and astonishment I sprang back to the place where I had left my rifle. Jack and Peterkin instantly ran up with their pieces cocked. “ Where is it?†they cried in a breath. “ There, crouching just behind that bush.†Jack darted forward. “ Crouching !†he eried, with a loud laugh, seizing the animal by the tail and dragging it forth ; “why, it’s dead —stone dead.†“Dead as mutton,†said Peterkin. “ Hallo! what’s this ?†he added in surprise. “Two holes close together in its forehead. JI do declare! Hooray! Ralph, my boy, give us your paw! You've missed the bull and hit the leopard! If you haven’t been and put two bullets right between its two eyes, ’m a Dutchman!†And so, in truth, it turned out. I had aimed at the bull and hit the leopard. So I left that spot not a little pleased with my bad aim and my good fortune.