THE SECOND OLD MAN AND THE TWO BLACK DOGS. 17 _ During our voyage, I found my wife possessed of so many good quali- ties that I loved her every day more and more. In the meantime my “two brothers, who had not traded so advantageously as myself, and who ~ were jealous of my prosperity, began to feel exceedingly envious. They even went so far as to conspire against my life ; for one night, while my wife and I were asleep, they threw us into the sea. I had hardly, how- ever, fallen into the water, before my wife took me up and transported me into an island. As soon as it was day she thus addressed me: ‘ You ‘must know that I am a fairy, and being upon the shore when you were about to sail, I wished to try the goodness of your heart, and for this purpose I presented myself before you in the disguise you saw. You acted most generously, and I am therefore delighted in finding an occa- sion of showing my gratitude, and I trust, my husband, that in saving your life I have not ill rewarded the good you have done me, but I am “enraged against your brothers, nor shall I be satisfied till I have taken _ their lives.’ ; T listened with astonishment to the discourse of the fairy, and thanked her, as well as I was able, for the great obligation she had conferred on me. ‘But, madam,’ said I to her, ‘I must entreat you to pardon my ‘brothers.’ I related to her what I had done for each of them, but my - account only increased her anger. ‘I must instantly fly after these ungrateful wretches,’ cried she, ‘ and bring them to a just punishment ; I will sink their vessel, and precipitate them to the bottom of the sea.’ ‘No, beautiful lady,’ replied I; ‘for heaven’s sake, moderate your indignation, and do not execute so dreadful an intention ; remember they are still my brothers, and that we are bound to return good for evil.’ No sooner had I pronounced these words, than I was transported in an instant from the island, where we were, to the top of my own house. I descended, opened the doors, and dug up the three thousand sequins _which I had hidden. I afterwards repaired to my shop, opened it, and received the congratulations of the merchants in the neighbourhood on _ my arrival. When I returned home, I perceived these two black dogs, which came towards me with a submissive air. I could not imagine ' what this meant, but the fairy, who soon appeared, satisfied my curio- sity. ‘My dear husband,’ said she, ‘be not surprised at seeing these two dogs in your house; they are your brothers.’ My blood ran cold - on hearing this, and I inquired by what power they had been transformed into that state. ‘It is I,’ replied the fairy, ‘who have done it, and I have sunk their ship; for the loss of the merchandise it contained, I shall recompense you. As to your brothers, I have condemned them _ to remain under this form for ten years, as a punishment for their - perfidy.’ Then informing me where I might hear of her, she dis- - appeared. - ‘The ten years are now completed, and I am travelling in search of her. ‘This, O lord genie, is my history; does it not appear to you of a most extraordinary nature?’ ‘Xes,’ raplied the genie, ‘I confess it is