CHAPTER XIL A SON OF THE HOUSE OF TITCALA, URING the progress of this fierce and sanguinary battle Huetzin slept peacefully as a child, and not until after the return of the weary but victorious Spaniards to their camp did he wake. In the earlier hours of the day Marina, from the roof of the temple in which he lay, watched the progress of the fight with a fearful interest, that was yet divided in its loyalty. She had cast her lot with these strangers, who had rescued her from slavery, and treated her with courtesy. But for the shelter of their camps she was homeless, and but for their strong arms she was without a protector in the world. And yet, those with whom they now fought were of her own race. The defeat of either side would fill her with sadness. Would that they might be friends rather than ene- mies! Then, indeed, would she rejoice! How might such a happy result be brought about? What could she do to further it ?