“What is he like?” demanded the other calmly.

“They say,” replied the visitor, “that he is young,
and as comely to look upon as Quetzal himself; but
that at heart he is a very monster, and that his only
meat is babes or very young children. I should be
frightened to death were I to catch sight of him,
though for the sake of the reward I should be willing
to venture it.”

“Ts there a reward offered for his capture?”

“Yes. Have you not heard? It is proclaimed
everywhere, that, to any free man who shall produce
him dead or alive, or tell where he may be found, shall
be given a hundred quills of gold and a royal grant
of land. If any slave shall be the fortunate one, he
and his shall be given their freedom, and twenty quills
of gold. Oh! I would my man might set eyes on him.
He is already searching, as are many of the neigh-
bours, for it is said that the escaped one crossed the
lake in this direction last night, after overturning
several boats that were in pursuit of him, and leaving
their occupants to perish in the water. Besides that,
he killed or wounded near a score of chinampa owners,
and set their canoes adrift. I know this to be So,
for my man picked up one of the canoes on the
lake shore, not an hour ago, and has informed the

“Never did I hear of anything so terrible!” cried
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