THE BROWNIES IN FEBRUARY. They round the dictionary press’d To choose the words that suited best To tell of Love’s undying flame That at first sight or meeting came, nwa And ever warm and warmer glowed As time still greater beauty showed. A Brownie has a level head, Although perhaps not college-bred, And knows just when to stop and start, Or round a phrase to catch the heart; And though sarcastic flings at men They may indulge in now and then, The earnest, active Brownie mind To thoughts of love is more inclined; So hearts and arrows, in the main, The Brownies’ missives did contain. When every picture was complete And all the verses had their feet, The Brownies wrote addresses down And started promptly through the town, BD sy ae vt a: wey wo _ B : PP an he TT, QF ei eas) _ heart To soon distribute, as they planned, In humble homes and mansions grand, The valentines that were designed To mystify the human kind. They climbed up winding stairs so higk Their breath gave out ere they were nigh 17